Fix What Can Be Fixed

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(Ruby's POV)

I wasn't sure what the hell was going on, but I made a mental note to kick the ass of the Guards who busted in on Tae and I this morning. We were on our way to round six- yeah that's right, six fucking rounds of the most epic sex ever and these ass hats in armor busted in with some emergency meeting thing in some sort of plan room thing. All I know is I didn't get my happy, and that most certainly didn't make me very happy.

Now I was standing here in a blue silky long night gown, a soft blue robe and white slippers. Tae's fingers were laced with mine and it felt good. My neck was a little soar but the rest of me felt more than good. I couldn't describe it but... damn did I feel good.

"So....." Namjoon was slowly rubbing circles over his temples. "What exactly happened?" He was asking this question to Tour and Jimin, who were standing together in front of a long ass desk thing with a map on it. On the other side of said desk- table thing was where the others stood. Namjoon was standing between Jin and Yoongi, Jungkook was on the other side of Jin and Hoseok was on the other side of Yoongi. I had no idea what was going on...

"You destroyed the Palace..." Jin spoke through gritted teeth. His expression was trying to convey calmness but oh boy was he failing at it.

"There is no roof over your room." Yoongi added. "Like, nothing- it's open fucking air little brother." Yoongi didn't seem to care who knew he was irritated. He wasn't trying to hide any emotion and well, I admired that.

"You realize how fucking important it is that our people here in the palace remain calm, and then you go and blow the literal roof of this place?" Jin was about to interrupt but Yoongi looked at him with a look that kill. "We can't be sparing what few builders we have! Our people are more important!" He was raising his voice a bit and I could see Tour wince. Namjoon was about to say something now but to hell if I was going to let this red haired dude lay into Tour like that.

"Would you let her speak before attacking her, jeez." I said. Tae whipped his head around to me and gave me a look, I took it as his way of telling me I shouldn't talk. But to hell with that shit.

"Right, Tour. Why did you wreck our home?" Yoongi was giving clear attitude and it was starting to get on my nerve.

"I didn't mean to. I didn't know I'd change... I just... it happened and I didn't know it was going to happen." She tried to explain. Namjoon's expression was soft as he nodded to her.

"We understand it was out of your con-"

"The hell we do! Someone could have gotten hurt. She could have gotten hurt! Pearl was able to run out to the front clearing.. Sapphire ran through the garden out to the meadow. Why the FUCK couldn't she contain herself and listen to her Dragon telling her to get somewhere safer!?" I could see the rage in his eyes, like a literal fire lit up in them. I didn't care how pissed he was, she was scared and upset and it was showing.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I said, removing my hand from Tae's as I stepped forward.

"I'm sorry but do you have no consideration for how she's feeling? Do you not see how sorry she is? It was a fucking accident. I'm sorry but none of us were handed a fucking manuel when you Dragons busted into our lives and made us a part of yours. You have no fucking idea how stressful it must have been for her. And did you suddenly forget she was in pain, real pain because she wanted Jimin to be able to wait for Tae and I to come here, and do that Unity thing. Did you just fucking forget she was going to DIE!" I wasn't having it. No way I was going to let him yell at her for something not in her control.

"I remember but-"

"No fucking buts about it buddy. I'm sure you're going through something, but you need to chill the fuck out. You're getting upset over something that wasn't in her control, or Jimin's. Neither of them should be here getting grilled by you over some roof being gone. So what? Put in a fucking skylight who the fuck cares. It's a roof! Don't have the people to put up a new one, fine- just throw a tarp over it or something, I don't know. There's bound to be an easy solution, you just want something to bitch about!" I was done, I had said what I wanted. I folded my arms over my chest and glared at him. I drew in a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

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