To Keep A Secret

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(Pearl's POV)

The wind was slightly breezy as I walked with my precious dragonling around the garden. He was gazing at the cloudless sky and making adorable little coos.

My mind was elsewhere, on other things. Mostly arguing... debating with my dragon.

"I don't know what to do about it."

It's best to stay hidden for now.

"But what if he asks about it? They've been gone most of the day. They won't be back till maybe tomorrow or the day after."

Lies are not lies when they're told in good faith and heart. We are protecting ours, just tell them there are elsewhere.

"And where elsewhere would they be? Those two are not highly sociable." I almost laughed at the thought.

Think, we're smart. Where does the red one like to be? And where does the blue one go when she's in need of alone time?

"They've both been with Jungkook... but he'll be asking for them when they don't show up. Ruby finds the horses interesting but she hates the stables I think. Sapphire likes the library but there's often quite a few people there."

The lake?

"Maybe. Sapphire might decide to go there. Or... Ruby could be at the lake, and Sapphire in the meadow. The Meadow is where she first shifted."

Sounds solid enough of a plan.

"Right, and when it all comes crumbling down?"

Well it certainly wasn't my brilliant idea to go running off to chase the wanted man.

"You're of no help." Silence met my comment. I sighed and rocked my sweet prince in my arms. A few moments more and I thought it best to take him back to his Nurse.

The Afternoon seemed longer than it was, maybe it was because I was on edge. I knew I'd be questioned, and I knew I didn't want to lie to my husband. Luckily, or unluckily my bedroom door opened and in walked Tourmaline.

"Tour?" I looked at her curiously. She smiled and then lunged at me, hugging me tightly.

"I can't do it, I thought about it, how the hell can I lie to him? Have you SEEN Jimin when he wants to know something? He will do anything his can and he knows how to work me by now! How the fuck am I suppose to keep my mouth shut? And What about Tae and Hoseok? They'll be the first ones to ask! Tae gets pouty like a lost puppy and it's cute and it makes me want to pat his head and tell him he's a good boy! Pearl! WHAT. DO. WE. DO?!" Clearly she was freaking out... you think?

"Tour, calm down. Okay, calm. It's going to be fine, alright. Nothing is going to go wrong. And hey, maybe they'll get back before morning and we can just say they must have gotten caught up at the library." I tried to think of something, anything that would and could cover those two.

We talked for a few hours more, trying to figure out something to tell them. Sadly both of us came up with only places we could tell them they might be, the library being the main one. However I knew Joon went there to read for some time to himself, so I worried that would just backfire.

Of course by evening it was clear we were not the best at lying to... well anyone.

Hoseok spotted us first as we came in from an evening stroll through the gardens.

"Sisters. Hey, have you seen Sapphire anywhere? I checked our room but she wasn't in there." He asked with a light smile.

"Oh, hm.. maybe she's training with Jungkook?" Tour offered up before I could say anything.

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