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 "Is that my shirt?" The voice was his, it was that deep velvety voice that I knew only belonged to him. That's when I looked up from the pages and noticed him standing there. His blue hair falling over his eyes, his breathing was uneven. I didn't need to see his eyes, I assumed they were flashing that alluring bright blue. He didn't take his eyes off me though, I felt it. Absentmindedly I began rubbing my legs together a little, my eyes scanning over his tall form. His shirt was tight on him, his pants hugged him well, allowing me a nice glance at the bulge growing in the front of his pants.

My eyes traveled up his front and met his eyes as he swept his hair to the side. They were flashing that brilliant blue again and I was suddenly thankful I was laying down. Standing would not be a fucking option right now.

He took a step forward and I wiggled a bit, I think I was subconsciously trying to make the shirt ride up more, it was succeeding though. I could tell as his eyes flashed again and he licked his lips slowly. I couldn't think of anything to say to him. I only knew I should respond with something, so I nodded.

My response made him swallow thickly.

He walked a little closer, standing now about a foot or so from the end of the bed. Slowly I closed the book with one hand as I looked up at him. His hair was messy, falling over his eyes a little as he looked down at me. Then he lifted his head up, his eyes still on me. He opened his mouth slightly and drew in a breath, when he swallowed I could see every muscle in his neck move, he closed his eyes for a moment and I sat up on my knees, still staring at him. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was breathing in heavily and I didn't know why.

I started to crawl to him and he swallowed hard again as he breathed in through his nose. He held his hand out like a stop sign signal and I paused mid crawl.

"Don't." He said, his voice deep and thick. Like he was struggling with something.

"What's the matter?" I asked innocently and he cocked the smuggest smirk.

"Don't play that game with me, Ruby. I'm not in the mood." His voice was still thick, and again he seemed to be struggling with something. I'm not one to just bow down and give up. He was acting off and I wanted to know why he wasn't his usual adorable lost puppy self... who was way too happy.

"It's not a game. Something seems to be bothering you." I replied softly, I don't know why my voice sounded so strange to me, but it was. It was soft, innocent sounding and I don't know what was wrong with me. I shook it off though, my focus was on blue boy and whatever was caused him to seem so strained.

He was chuckling at me, and not in a light way. I took this as the right time to continue crawling forward. I stopped and sat back on my knees at the edge of the bed. His eyes shot opened and I saw the electric bright blue that made them sparkle. It took my breath away. He growled deeply put I wasn't scared of it. If anything I had the urge to push him more.

I slowly unbuttoned the next three buttons, his eyes watched my every movement. Again he tilted his head back and looked at the ceiling for a moment. He looked back down at me, keeping his head slightly tilted back.

"You don't know what you're doing to me... what you're pushing me to do." He said before he leaned forward, his face so close to mine. He licked his lips again before he gently brushed them close to mine. "I know what you're playing at, but I'm giving you this one warning. If you can't accept that I'm you're mate, then you should stop. If you want to continue to tease me like you are, you should know that it will only make the bond between us stronger, and..." He gently rubbed his nose against my cheek as he moves his beautiful mouth near my ear. "If I fuck you the way I want to right now... you will be begging to be my mate." His whispered sent a shock of absolutely delicious thrill through me. I didn't think blue boy had it in him. Not just to talk like that, but to give me that kind of feeling. Every nerve in my body felt like a jolt of electricity hit it. I could have easily jumped up in excitement if it wasn't for my desire to not give him the satisfaction of seeing how submissive he's making me.

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