Then There Were Four Pt 1

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 I could hear my heart beating in my ear. It was like a drummer marching heavily down a road that never fucking ended. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the few hundred that were gathered in the Great hall. I inhaled and held my breath as this luxurious crown was placed on my head. Tour was beside me holding a circular ball looking thing, between us was this odd looking staff or rod I couldn't tell. It, very much like the crown and ball thing had jewels all over it along with two dragons who seem to be almost forming a heart together. It was pretty, that I couldn't deny. But not even the beauty of these items could stop my heart... shit, I needed to breathe.

"I swear it." Tour and I answered the questions given. The old man in robes that were similar to the ones worn for the unity ceremony, the only slight differences were that he was now wearing not just the crimson red and gold but other colors were add, two that stood out. A stripe of Purple and a stripe of blue draped over each shoulder, on these colors was an insignia the same ones I'd seen on Jimin's guards and the Guards that follow myself and Tae around.

I wasn't sure how I was breathing, but focusing on little things like this was helping- a little. That was until we had answered and he was ready to present us.

"I present to you, Her Majesties- Queen Tourmaline and Queen Ruby!" He bellowed out the crowed, who were cheering and throwing purple and red flowers. Tour hooked her arm with Jimin's who was on her right. Tae was on my left and he placed my arm around his for me. As we descended the steps of the platform that had stayed put since the unity thingy Tae leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"I would have played for you, but I had to be here to escort you down after. I'll play for you once you change into something a little more comfortable." He chuckled a bit at his last words. He knew me, he knew this big fancy gowns were not me at all.

Changing out of the dress was a whole new problem.

"Can you pleaaseee stop laughing at me and help me get this fucking contraption off?" I whined at him as I was... well I was fucking stuck. The stupid corset around my waist wasn't loosened enough, the dress was heavy and I didn't have it untied enough because the corset wasn't loose enough. So everything was pooled around my upper torso, my neck was hurting, I was hunched over, couldn't see a damn fucking thing, oh yeah and my lovely Dragon husband was sitting at the end of the bed in just his boxers watching me spin in circles trying to get the dress off with my panties showing which was only making him laugh harder. I swear I could tell from his laughter he was crying...

"You're not cute blue boy!" I whined again, frustrated and a but loud.

"Haha, okay okay. Hahaha, oh I am sorry, really I am beauty. But you should see yourself. Here let me-"

"Don't you dare fucking touch me." I felt his hand along my ass and I damn near bit him.

"Okay okay. Then I'm going to turn you around and I will untie this thing for you, okay?" He asked softly.

"Yes, that's all I wanted to begin with. But you insisted you wanted to watch me instead." I pouted, I knew I was being a total fucking baby but I didn't like these dresses at all and so me if another person tries to stuff me in one I'm biting someone's head off.

"Come here Beauty." Taehyung guided me back against him as he sat down I realized I was now sitting on his lap. I felt soft tugging as I was still hunched over. My feet barely touched the floor, which reminded me that I was glad I had one friend who was shorter than me. My legs were dangling over Tae's significantly larger ones, he was all muscle and I was well... petite. That's the nice way to say I was a short mother fucker with not much going for me other than my bubble butt. That I was proud of.

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