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(Emerald's POV)

Dear Ruby,

Oh, and the others too.

How have you been? We've been fine, stuck here in a basement like confinement room that's kind of musty and smells like cheese... well on Tuesday it smelled like cheese, or feet, I couldn't tell. I also don't know if it was Tuesday, the days are starting to meld together.

Citrine's been on a cleaning kick, and the couple that live up stairs don't really come down here much so it's just us four.

Lee seems lost in thought these days, all he does is sit in his little corner with all his books and read. He barely moves and he forgets to eat so Ames and I have to force feed him at times.

I hope you're doing well, hope Ruby hasn't destroyed anything, or anyone.

Oh and I hope your Kings are doing well too.

We're fine, fantastic even. I managed to make some cooked rabbit... I think it was rabbit, it looked like a rabbit- okay a rabbit mixed with a squirrel. Something like that, it tasted okay though. The Guards check on us now and then so don't worry. I know everything will be good, one of the guards will be bringing this letter to you since I guess one of the Kings ordered them to be switched out. I hope to see you soon!



"Well what do you think?" I asked out loud.

"I am not on a cleaning freak thing.." Citrine whined.

"Do you see what you're doing now?" I asked as I waved my hand over at her. "Down on your hands and knees.... With a scrub brush and a wooden pale with soapy water to get the floor clean? Yeah, you're not a clean freak. Not from that... But how about you asking for an old toothbrush so you can clean the grout?" I responded. She huffed and went right back to scrubbing the floor.

I sent my letter off and a few days later a letter was returned, delivered by another guard who came to change places with the other one. I read it out loud to everyone.

Dear girls,

I'm glad you're doing good. Everything here is so damn strange, Tour and I essentially got married, hope you're not mad but we couldn't have you for safety reasons. I know you guys wanted to be there, I'm sure you'll be here soon, or at least I hope so. Tour's a full Dragon, like Pearl and Sapphire. I think that's kind of cool. You guys should see Pearl's son, oh my fucking god he's the cutest thing.

I can't wait for you all to be here, I really hope to see you guys soon. Tell Lee we all miss him too, Pearl claims she misses him most but we know she's only saying that to still be his favorite. I love you guys, I'm sure we'll see each other soon.


Ruby and the gang

"I don't have favorites when it comes to you girls." Lee tried to defend but the three of us laughed at his reply. He shook his head at us and continued reading the book in his hands. I took a bit of the parchment paper we had and sat down next to Amethyst and began writing a response.

Dear Ruby and the rest,

We're happy to hear of your news. I guess this means you're a queen now, right? A full Dragon? So like Lee? Wow, that's awesome. At least it sounds awesome! You'll have to tell me more about it when we see each other again. Better yet, Tour better show us. I think it would be cool to see a Dragon in full Dragon form. We didn't really get to see Lee when he did it, and we ended up passing out and not waking up till we arrived. So I still want to see one, I'm sure the other girls want to see the three of you in that dragon form. Anyway, Lee is as stoic and grumpy as ever. He talks to himself a lot more in these past few days. I think he needs some fresh air before he goes mad.

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