Take Off

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(Taehyung's POV)

Lee was coming down the hall as I waited for Ruby.

"Taehyung, care to come help me for a moment?" He asked. I nodded, figuring I should since I wasn't currently doing anything important.

I followed Lee down to his room, once inside he shut the door behind me. I noticed two large suit cases with familiar looking books as well as some trinkets that look familiar to me.

"Hey, aren't those-"

"Yes. They are. The books of Thelius and Magni, and those are the books of the Dragoons. Seven Talismans to represent the Seven houses that became one. I hope you don't think ill of me for taking them." Lee said as he looked at me. I shook my head.

"If you took them from the palace you must have had a good reason." I replied. Lee nodded in return.

"I did. In truth Kirsa and Iredia gave them to me to keep safe. They were instructed to do so by your father and Namjoon's. One reason I left in a hurry, I needed to take them." He explained.

"I understand. Though I don't know why such old things would be so valuable. I guess sentimental value is very high." I shrugged. He chuckled and shook his head.

"These books have valuable information. Not just that though, these talismans are very special and shouldn't fall into the wrong hands, but I'll explain more on that once we get home. For now, just help me pack them up carefully." He instructed and I nodded. I helped him wrap each talisman in cloth and tucked them into the suitcase carefully. We packed up the books after that.

"Ruby has to fly with me... you can take the other girls, right?" I asked Lee as we headed out of his room.

"If you insist. It might be better for Amethyst to have Emerald and Citrine along with her anyway. She has to take it easy, and as a Dragon with more flight experience it would be best that I carry her, no offense my King." Lee replied and I chuckled.

"No offense taken. I know you're wiser than me in a lot of things, I'd feel better knowing you're the one looking after her- if she is the mate of one of my brothers then she's in good hands and none of us have to worry." I responded as I followed Lee down the stairs. Mrs. Hadley who runs this unusual place was standing in the lobby with Citrine. Two large suitcases on rolls stood on either side of Citrine.

"I thought we agreed to pack light?" Lee asked the golden-rod blonde. She smiled sweetly and batted her eyelashes.

"Correction Boss man, You agreed while I packed my important things." She replied to him. I couldn't help but to chuckle. Lee shook his head and we stood there waiting for the others.


(Ruby's POV)

I tried to explain everything to Amethyst, Citrine was no help so I sent her to pack and told her to wait for us down stairs. Ames was clearly confused, but that could have been in part to the pain medication Mrs. Hadley had given her.

I did my best to pack a bag for her, but she was slurring and it made it really difficult to understand a fucking thing she was saying. I honestly just half-ass packed her things. I might have left most of her clothes behind. At some point Wonho had come up to retrieve Ames, since there was no way in hell I was going to be carrying her. He was much more careful with her as he picked her up and carefully carried her out of her room. I had my duffle bag as well as the small bag I packed for her. Slowly I followed Wonho down the stairs, where the others were waiting.

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