Questions For A Queen

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 To say that the woman sitting in front of me, sipping away at her tea was intimidating as fuck- well that would be an understatement.

I was sitting in the living-room like space of her room in one of two chairs that were upholstered in some floral pattern that matched with the colors of the room. I had a cup of tea but I was way to nervous to even think about drinking from it. With my fucking luck I'd drop the thing, ruin her rug, and in the end it would turn out the cup that I would undoubtedly break is most likely some priceless heirloom. Thus, causing this woman to hate me for eternity. No thanks.

"So, I heard you have some questions dear?" She asked, her voice was soft, sweet. It gave me this feeling that this woman was warm and kind. Of course this could have just been a facade.

"Yes, uh... Ma'am." I was nervous but she seemed very much unbothered. "Uhm.. So I don't exactly understand this whole mate thing." I asked her, wondering if this was even really a question that could be answered. She took a sip from her cup and set it down. Looking at me with a soft smile she nodded a little.

"I see. Well, to put it simply- it's a method of survival. Not too different from humans in fact. Of course the difference being that there are limited options- in some cases, very limited." She spoke softly. "You see, you were born into a certain kind of life- Let's be clear, if you were a normal human you wouldn't be here right now. Dragons have searched for the answers to why, why humans? Why can't there be full female dragons from birth?" She smiled again and took another sip of her tea before setting it back down on the small circular table between us.

"It's just not how the gods wanted it. That's really the only answer we have. However there are some common things that have been noticed over our time. For one- every female that is fated to be a Dragon's mate is a human female that has nothing to tie her down to her home planet." She stated and stared at me intensely.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Answer me this, do you have family? A mother and a father that you love and who love you in return? Maybe a grandparent or two? Uncles? Aunts?" She questioned.

"Well... not really. I mean, no one I keep in touch with." I admitted- It was true. I didn't have anyone but Lee and the others.

"My point. Look at Pear, Sapphire, and Tourmaline. They don't have any family that tied them to earth either. None of you were chosen out of sheer coincidence. I myself was in your position once, no family. I was alone, nothing to tie me to the world I was born into. Of course this is only one small piece to a much larger puzzle. We then take a look at what else makes us so special. Pearl, is a natural nurturer. I knew it when I saw how she was with Namjoon, and it was confirmed when I heard stories of how she handled the crisis here in our lands. She was nurturing, comforting to those she met when she toured around Song. Sapphire, I knew was also something special. She was strong, I could sense it. And of course that was confirmed more recently with the attacks from the rebels." She was serious, but her eyes were soft. "I am sure there's something that sets you apart as well. Tourmaline is the embodiment of love, I know this because she saved my son. My son who feared not being good enough to love. She saved him, and I know she'll be an amazing Dragon." Her words stung a bit, I knew what was hanging in the balance. It was the reason I was here now, Tour was slowly sacrificing her own life for me to get answers... she was in pain, suffering and I was the one who could stop it. Yet my typical selfish self was sitting here having tea and chatting like it was a fucking happy Sunday brunch. But I needed to know, There was too much I didn't understand.

"So why us?" I asked in hopes a more precise answer would be given. Kirsa just smiled and tilted her head slightly to the side.

"Because there's something that binds you to and your friends to them. Something more within you that makes you and the others special. I can't explain it, I can't give you an exact why. It simply just is that way. For some unknown reason certain Humans are compatible with Dragons. Certain humans click with Dragons. I remember feeling it when I met my husband, it was strange to me. A little scary too I might add. But you and the others have been very accepting."

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