Double Unity

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 When I heard 'Wedding' like thing. I thought, sure, some flowers... some corny cliche wedding dress, maybe the old 'ugly bridesmaid' dresses. But not what I was witnessing now. We're talking a few hundred people setting up flowers, candles, lights. Kirsa was walking around the Grand Hall while I watched on in horror at how massive this was turning out to be.

"Now, we need to do away with the outside prayer. Honestly that tradition can be done anywhere and we don't need a whole damn audience for it, same with the Dragons prayer for the Kings. They don't need to say it in front of every man in the palace. So let's just send elders to have them recite it privately." Kirsa was ordering two ladies who were taking notes.

By noon I was in a room with Tour, both of us getting into our gowns. Not something I ever thought I'd be caught dead in, but hey- It's for tradition.

"Are you sure you want to Marry Jimin in that?" I looked at Tour who was in a purple gown with a corset top. I mean, it wasn't horrible but it certainly didn't scream 'hey I'm a bride, marry me'. Not that I should talk, I was in an icy blue upside down teacup with a corset like top... at least that's how I viewed this contraption.

"Rubes, I'd walk... er.. roll as the case may be down the isle in the nude if it meant completing this thing and being able to live long enough to be with Jimin for years, decades to come." She had a point, I glanced down at the wheelchair she was in and had to laugh.

"Well, at least we know you won't be running away at the altar? Podium?" I questioned, which kind of killed the joke. Tour laughed anyway.

Once we were ready we were instructed to wait till the Kings had taken their positions. It didn't take too long before I was pushing Tour down the isle. I don't know what I was expecting but I sure wasn't expecting what was waiting for us. The Great Hall was all kinds of decked out, lights, flowers, candles. It was impressive but also made me nervous. They took this shit seriously, that much was clear.

Jimin was waiting for Tour and beside him was Taehyung. Both looked good in the strange robes they were dressed in. I wasn't against it, the closer we got the yummier Tae was looking... okay maybe that was a problem.

Through out the ceremony Tour was doing her best to ignore the pain she felt. I sighed and did my best to not worry so much about her, but I was failing at it as I kept looking over at her all through the ceremony. Some old guy in weird robes was talking, I absentmindedly was repeating what was asked of me while looking over at her. She would shake a little, then clench her jaw like she was holding in any noise. Maybe she was inwardly screaming? I didn't know, what I did know what that this old dude needed to hurry the fuck up so Jimin could take Tour back and mark her... whatever that shit was exactly.

I wanted this thing to be over, Tae was drinking from one goblet looking cup while Jimin was drinking from the other. Both men passed the goblets to Tour and I, the liquid inside was some kind of wine I assumed mixed with our blood- In the goblet I held- Tae's blood mixed with mine, and I was pressing it to my lips and drinking the last bit. Before I knew it there were cheers, clapping, and Jimin was damn near speed walking down the isle and out of the main hall. I tried to tell myself that I shouldn't yell obscenities at them to poke fun of them... okay mostly to annoy Tour and make her face turn red.

Tae grabbed my hand and we followed after them, of course we turned down the hall to head to our room. Tae seemed to be in an unusual rush, like really rushed.

"Isn't there some sort of party thing after?" I asked as he held my hand and led me down the hall with him, the heels of my shoes making a clacking sound on the marble like floor beneath my feet. I wasn't nervous... okay I was a tad nervous. He shoved open one of the double doors that led to his room and picked me up just outside of it. I had to laugh, I didn't mean to but this shit was cliché.

Dragon Kings: The Icy King✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن