"Although," the doctor continued, "There is still a chance that she'll remember everything."

It took everything in me to make a sound, "How big?" I asked.

"How big what?" he asked back.

"Chance," I said, pissed, "How big is the chance of her remembering everything?"


Oh, just great. Fifty on fifty. That was just amazing. Nothing good ever happened when chances were fifty on fifty.

"What else?" Billy asked from beside me.

"She's in coma. We think she'll wake up somewhere from a couple of days to a month."

Another gasps from Mr. and Mrs. Millery.

From a couple of days to a month? You've got to be kidding me!

"We'll move her to the ward as soon as we finish checking everything once again. Now, if you esxcuse me..." he trailed off and went back to the reanimation room.

Damn it, she has to wake up! I won't be able to handle her coma.

We sat back on our seats, waiting for them to finish checking her and roll her out.

"Man," Billy said, making my head turn to him, "It's not your fault."

I chuckled deeply, my own sound scaring me it was so heavy. I got old in waiting. "Of course, it is," I replied.

"Did you kiss her?" he asked sternly.

I shook my head, looking down, "No."

"Then it's not your fault. Don't eat yourself for it, man. Terry's a basic bitch. You had to see her in a car with me, she almost made out with all the three of us.

"But she did make out with me."

"Man, stop. It wasn't your fault. You were trying to pull out, weren't you?" I nodded and he continued, "Then it's her fault, not yours. You won't change anything by falling in depression. You'd rather cheer her up, man. She now needs us next to her."

"Son," Mrs. Millery said from the seat opposite of mine, "Tell me again what happened."

I clenched my jaw, "I don't think it's a good idea, Mrs. Millery."

She wiped her eyes and sat straight. She looked a lot like her daughter when she cried. The thought twisted my heart all at once.

"Just tell me," she repeated firmly.

I leaned with my elbows on my knees, "We were on a party of her friend's. I went away to have a drink and when I came back to the dance floor, I didn't find her. So I sat in the kitchen,talking with one of my friends. Later I went to the backyard to breath in a fresh air. That girl from her school, Terry, was there. She spoke to me about how I had to be jealous for Billy's friendship with her," I saw Billy's head turn to mine from the corner of my eye, but I ignored it, keeping my head down as I spoke, "I knew it was stupid, so I brushed her off. She started flirting with me and soon enough kissed me without the second thought. I tried to push her away by her shoulders.

"Zoe walked in right in that second. She saw us and turned around. I kept telling her what happened, but I think she wasn't listening. She ran away and sat in her car. I don't think she was going to drive away until I appeared. I knocked on her opposite window, repeating the explanation, but she just- just drove away. After 10 or 15 minutes I got a call from the hospital. I was on her speed dial so they called me. Next you know it."

It felt as if Hulk was gripping my heart with the most fierce attitude he's ever had. I really felt like crying right now, but I had to be strong for her.

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