Standing up I started spinning it back and forth, looking closely, but finding nothing. Tired of the weird things that get weirder and weirder with each time, I put the necklace in my bag and went to bed.


"Ready?" Mr. Rockets asked.

We were back in the darkened training hall, sitting around dozens of lightened candles in a circle. Nick and I were about to start meditating and mentally calling for our Escorts in telepathic ways, whatever that meant. As we were told, we had to call for our Escorts in our heads and our telepathic skills would work, leading to hearing the voices of our Escorts in our heads.

I started repeating the text that I had to memorize before we started: By the power of the Couple of Stir, I call for my savour, my part of the soul. You are the power to help all, power to save all. By the power given to me, from Thella of the Silvas, I call for an Escort of mine, an Escort that had been chosen for me.

I had to repeat the text lot's of times and my Escort would hear this in her head. She'll start asking herself questions and it'll be heard in my head. Then we'll be able to have a simple chat in each others' minds that has to be normal. We were warned earlier that as soon as we stepped over the board of our consciousness, outer world would fade for us. We wouldn't hear the building crash which we were in. The only way to 'wake us up' was shaking us to the whole new level. Until we decided that on our own, of course, as soon as we'd wish to go back to reality, we would.

My left hand was warming under the hand of Nick, which was so big comparing to mine, it made feel really small. I had to fight the urge to telepath on Nick instead of Escorts. But eventually, I gave in. Escorts could wait a few minutes.

Nick, I said in my mind, concentrating my whole energy on sending telepathic signals into Nick's mind, Nick, do you hear me? No answer, Nick! Nicholas Simon, answer me!

Suddenly, I heard his voice in my head. It was like my own thought, but I couldn't control it, Zoe?

Oh my God, it worked! I beamed in thoughts.

He replied right away, What for God's sake are you doing in my head?

I was about to laugh, but remembered that the adults could notice, I couldn't help myself.

I heard his mental laugh! I actually heard his sexy laughter before he answered, I thought we had to find Escorts to save the world and all.

I chuckled mentally, wondering if he could hear, If they notice we'll simply say we trained.

His voice came after a couple of seconds, Okay, then. This is fun.

Yes, it is, I said.

Zoe Millery, he started, I love you.

I wanted to giggle, but held myself, You have no idea how cute it is to tell me you love me by telapathing. I love you too, Nick Simon.

Really, he added, I just can't explain how much I adore you. I can't help spilling everything, you're in my head. So I want you to know that I love you stronger than I've ever loved anyone.

Nick, I said, You are also in my head, but even if you weren't, I'd love for you to know that you are the best thing that has happened to me so far. I'd handle being a Thella soldier if you stood next to me.

He replied immediately, Every time I look at you I feel like the happiest Silva in the whole Thella.

For a moment I totally forgot that Mrs. Shoo, Mr. Rockets and Matthew sat in front of us, so I burst into giggles. I felt shaking and opened my eyes, seeing all of them staring at Nick and I, who also had his eyes open.

"What happened?" Mrs. Shoo asked, "Did you find anything?"

Nick and I glanced at each other guiltily, keeping our mouths shut.

Matthew face-palmed himself, "Oh, just don't tell me you were telepathing each other!"

Well, when he said it like that I realized that I was wasting time. I looked down at my lap. Every hour somebody died back on Thella in the war and I had to stop it. What did I do instead? Telepath with my own soulmate.

"I don't even want to know what you talked about!" Matthew added, flinching.

My eyes went wide, "We're not hormonic 13-year-olders!" I exclaimed.

"Yea, dude," Nick added, "It's not like that."

"Whatever," Matthew replied.

"We trained," I said, "Now we know how it should feel like and will recognize our Escorts easier."

Mrs. Shoo looked at me skeptically, "No more tricks, I mean it."

We nodded and held hands again, closing our eyes. The warmth radiating from him radiated through my body and became a part of me, just like it happened each time we held hands. The only parts of our bodies that were touching were our palms and fingers and it felt like we were embraced in a tight hug, in a manner that could send shivers down my spine.

Focusing all, my energy, power and concentration on the task that lied before me was hard enough to do with Nick by my side. But without Nick, I was psysically unable to do it, so I tried my best. I started re-telling the words that I had memorized slowly and carefully, not messing up a word. Once, twice, three times... Nothing yet. I kept calling for my Escort again and again, hoping for the best. I repeated and repeated, it had to work.

I think I was repeating the text for the ninth time the least, when I heard a feminine voice cross my mind, What the hell? What is happening? The voice was so lost and so distant I barely heard it.

Feeling relief wash over me, I replied to the girl that had to feel so weird right now, Can you hear me? Answer me in your thought, I'll hear.

Yes? She said.

I mentally let out a sigh of relief, Oh, good God, that took a while... Listen to me carefully, I am learning in Lestrade Academy. You do, too?

It took a moment for her to reply, Yes.

Good, I told her, Tell me your name.

Why would I? She asked. Oh, just don't try badassing with me. When I listened closer, her voice was way too familiar to me. Sure, she was from Lestrade, but I knew I've talked to her before.

I mentally sighed, This is the question of life and death. You have a power you know nothing about. Let me help you to discover them and help me to save the world.

Explain? She said.

Tell me your name, I pressed. I couldn't talk to a girl without knowing her name.

Terry, said the voice, My name's Terry.

Lestrade AcademyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora