"You are kidding me right?" I laugh.

"Who says I'll say yes?"

"Of course you'll say yes."

"We'll see." I laugh.

"You will say yes... right?" He asks as he gets into the drivers seat.


"Oh come on Rebecca..." He whines.

"Just shut up and drive."

8 Years later.

"Daddy can you keep your toes still please?" Alexa sighs.

"Alexa I told you I don't like purple" Jason groans as he wiggles his toes.

I laugh to myself as I set down my apron and walk over to the sofa. Alexa is currently painting Jason's toenails with sparkly purple nail varnish while Jason's sorting out some paper work.

"Your going to be away on a business trip next week right?" I ask as I sit down onto the sofa.

"Yeah I'm going for a week so you better take care of your mom Alexa she's going to be missing me a lot." He smiles as he ruffles her hair.

She nods as he closes the nail polish bottle and disappears upstairs.

"You better not miss me too much." He smiles as he sits beisde me and kisses my cheek.

"Oh trust me I wont." I laugh.

"Do you know when the moment I actually fell in love with you was?"  He asks.

"Why are you suddenly asking me that?" I laugh.

"I don't know I just think I never actually told you." I smiles.

"Okay then tell me." I reply as I glance at him curiously.

"First it started off as a joke to just get you too fall in love with me because you spilt coke on me. I wanted revenge on you because you ruined my designer shirt but honestly I think it was just an excuse I made to get closer to you. I fell in love with you the minute I actually saw you. I just never realised because I was a dumb horny ass teenager." He laughs.

"I don't regret it though." I smile.

"Regret what?"

"Ruining your shirt."

"I'm happy you did too." He smiles as he wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"I told you we would get married." He grins.

"I never said we wouldn't."

"Yes you did. I remember that day clearly. We were walking to my car and you said that you could fall in love with your neighbour or Marc-"

I place my lips onto his and smile as he kisses back.

"I love you." He smiles as he stares into my eyes.

"I love you too."

"Ew...." I hear a high pitched tone from Alexa from behind me.

"What do you mean ew? I kiss your mom all the time." Jason snorts.

She comes to sit onto my lap as she wraps her arms around my neck. "Hey she's mine." Jason groans.

"I want a hug from her too."

"I get more than hugs from your mom." He winks.

I slap him on the shoulder and shove him off the sofa and smile at Alexa. "Don't listen to your dad okay?"

"Okay." She smiles back.

I laugh as I glance at Jason walking off to his office room with a frown on his face and smile. "You should go and give dad a hug too. He's pretty jealous right now." I laugh.

She jumps off my shoulder and runs off into the direction of Jason and after a minute I hear a lot of laugher coming from the room.

This is what happiness is like. This is what my parent's never had and this is what I always wanted. Never in my dreams did I expect myself to be in this position I never thought I deserved it. But now I have a beautiful daughter and an amazing husband in my life.

And I could not be any more grateful.


I'm sorry if the epilouge sucked but I just really wanted to upload it and it broke my heart to just leave JKM like this. BUT I hope you guys are excited for the sequel because I am~~~~


Goodbye Rebecca and Jason. Thank you for all you've done.

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