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"Sissy wake up!" I hear Micahs and Macis voice yell before I feel my ribs practically break. I groan loudly and then feel a rough tongue on my cheek. "Haha look Arya is kissing sissy!" Macis voice giggles.

I lightly push my dog away from my face and open my eyes to see my little siblings sitting on me. They were dressed up and looked put together.

"Why are you so dressed up?" I asked groggily as I half sat up.

"Mommy said that we were having dinner with people over." Micah said as he slid off of my bed.

"Dinner?" I quietly ask myself.


I quickly pushed the twins off of me and jolted out of bed. I walked out of my room and downstairs to look for my mom. I walked into her room and saw her in her bathroom applying makeup.

"We're having dinner with the knights tonight?" I ask out of breathe. She didn't look at me as she mumbled a yes, too focused on doing her makeup. "I- I thought it was canceled a long time ago."

"Nope we rescheduled it." Mom said as she started to apply mascara.

"W-what about the virus? The news said we shouldn't be around people." I say.

"It's not in our town. We're fine Tyler." She said as she still applied mascara to her eyelashes.

"But the school is closed so it must be here." I explain. She looks at me with her eyebrows knitted together.

"How do you know that?"

"I looked at the schools website." I say. She shrugs and goes back to doing her eyelashes. "What about everything that happened between me, Xavier and Dustin?" I bring up, trying to make her reconsider this dinner.

"Tyler, this dinner is very important for me and your father. Now go get dressed." She dismissed me. I could tell by her attitude and body language that this conversation was over.

I slowly walked away from her bathroom door and out of her room. I walked into my room and shut my door, having a mini panic attack.

I have to see Xavier and Dustin tonight.

Last night before I went to bed I blocked Xavier's number. I don't want him in my life, and now he's going to be in my house.

I checked the time to see it was 12pm. Seems kind of early to have dinner. Maybe it's lunch. Maybe they changed it to Lunch when they rescheduled.

Tyler you don't have time to be wondering what they changed! You have to get changed!

I walked over to my closet and looked through it. I need to dress perfect. We're having dinner with the mayor.

Do you think they know that they're son is in a gang?

I shrugged the thought off as I looked in my dress section. My mom would be furious if I didn't wear a dress, or at least something fancy.

As I was frantically searching through my closet I heard my bedroom door creak open, "honey what would you prefer for dinner tonight. Steak? Ribs? Chicken? Pork chops?-"

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