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Dustin's POV

I hate her.

I hate her so much.

I looked her in her eyes, gathered up all my confidence and said what I've been wanting to tell her since the first day I saw her. I thought there would of been a slight chance she felt the same way.

But I was wrong.

How can I be so stupid? I interrupted her and Xavier. Of course she chose Xavier. Why could I of ever thought it would of been me? She's been pushing me off the second I got to this stupid fucking town. Plus her bitchy ass friend Payton put stupid thoughts in her head about me.

She called me a monster. A murderer. She looked me dead in the eyes and told me she could never love someone like me. She said it with no hesitation, like she just couldn't hold it in anymore.

She's the real monster.

I hate her with every part of my body. Every single ounce of love, affection, Hope I had for her is gone. I hate her so much I could kill her.

I felt something hard being thrown at me and I quickly snapped out of my thoughts, "Pay attention." Xavier growled at me.

I want to bash his head in until it's unrecognizable. I want to break every bone in his stupid fucking body. Because of him, I can't be with the only girl I've ever wanted to be with.

"Those cocksuckers have broke in and stole all of our money and our products!" Xavier yelled angrily. "But I have a plan to defeat the raiders for good and get everything back." Xavier said. "My father pointed out to me today that weaknesses make people defeatable." Xavier started.

"Get to the point." I grumbled. I want to leave, go home, be with my family.

"The raiders leader has a weakness, it's his cousin. Luckily for us I have a very special relationship with her. I'm going to fake propose to her tomorrow, of course she won't know that. We need her to think it's real. She's a real big mouth so soon the whole town will know, including her cousin. If the plan goes as expected the raiders will crash the 'wedding', and we'll attack and take what's ours." He said smiling.

"You're so fucking delusional. How do you even know if that will work? What's your backup plans if it doesn't?" I ask. Xavier has to be the most stupidest gang leader I have ever met.

"The backup plan is I just kill her. Either way they'll show up, and I'll get my money."

"You're going to kill someone who has nothing to do with any of this just for what? Money? Revenge? If you're so 'big bad gang leader' then stop being pussy and just go up to them and take it." I say standing up.

"Dustin, not only will I kill her but I will also kill you if you don't shut the fuck up and sit down." Xavier said while pulling out a gun and setting it on the table infront of him, looking right at me.

"Capo, if you don't mind me asking who's the girl?" Mason asked.

"A brat named Emma Wolf."

Tyler's pov

"Are you just going to lay in bed all day?"

"Yes." I answered back to my mom, the pillow my face was dug into muffling my response.

"There's someone downstairs wanting to talk to you." I say up to look at my mom.

What if it's Dustin.

"Okay." I said. I watched as she left my room before I jumped out of bed and went to my mirror. My hair looked crazy and my eyes were all puffy and swollen. I quickly brushed through my hair with my fingers and then made my way downstairs.

I was very disappointed and angry when I saw the one person I wanted nothing to do with. "What are you doing here?" I asked harshly.

"I wanted to talk to you, check up on you." Payton said as she softly ran her hand across my dogs head.

I slowly walked over to her and snatched my dog away from her, "I don't need you to check up on me." I spat.

"Listen Tyler,  i know we're not friends anymore but that doesn't mean I don't care about you." She said as she stood up from the couch.

I scoffed at her, "you care about me? So you ditching me for populars is you caring about me? You almost letting me get raped is you caring about me?"

"That wasn't my fault!"

"I told you I didn't wanna fucking go in the first place and you pushed me off into him so you could fuck around with someone who wasn't your boyfriend!" I yelled at her.

"Me and Carter weren't dating."

"Not only do I not care, I didn't ask." I glared at her. All the anger I have for her and for what happened the other day with the boys is coming out.

"Why are you being such a bitch? It's because you've been hanging out with Xavier and Dustin, isn't it?" She folded her arms across her chest.

"That is none of your business who I've been hanging out with. And news flash, they aren't who you said they were."

"And you would know that how? By spending a week with them. They aren't going to tell you shit Tyler."

"You don't even know them. You just think you have this awesome super power where you know everything because your gut tells you so. You're so naive and ignorant." I roll my eyes at her. I can't believe I was ever friends with her.

She stared at me, looked me up and down and then chuckled, "you love them, don't you."

"What?" I asked.

"You do, don't you."

"No, Payton. I don't." I lie. My brain started to scramble with questions and thoughts. Do I love them? Am I in love with them? Then it hit me.

I do love both of them.

"I know you Tyler-"

"No you don't, Payton. You knew me. You don't know shit about me now." I snap as I hold my dog closer to me.

"It's no use to love Xavier, Tyler-"

"I don't love him." Lies, again.

"Because he's getting married to Emma." She said with no hesitation. My heart dropped and my body felt numb. "He proposed to her yesterday. Wedding is in a month. Wasn't sure if you knew or not." Payton kept going.

"Get out." I say softly under my breathe, still shocked by the news.

"You knew they were going to end up together-"

"Payton! Shut the fuck up and get out of my house, now!" I yell at her. She looked taken back, but grabbed her keys and walked to the front door.

"Cute dog, Tyler." Was the last thing she said before walking out the door.

As I stood in the middle of my living room, my heart breaking even more than it already was I realized something I have been trying to hold back for a long time.

I love them both, but I'm In love with Xavier. And now both of them are gone.

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