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Tyler's POV

Once we were on my street we stopped to catch our breaths. My lungs burned and my feet felt sore. Sweat drenched every part of my body, considering we did run three blocks non-stop.

"We just saw someone get shot." Payton said in between breaths. Me and her both were leaned over with our hands resting on our knees, us breathing hard.

"I-I know." The words leaving my mouth triggered the flashback of the guy getting shot. Tears blurred my vision as my heart swelled up, I could still hear the sound of the gun in the back of my mind.

"W-What are we going to do?" Payton started sobbing. I looked up at her and hugged her. She just got back from an amazing vacation and now she has to go through this?

"We should go inside." I say, trying not to cry anymore. She nods her head before we climb back up into my window. At this point, I wasn't worried or scared If my mom found out I snuck out. I had bigger things to worry about.

"We can't tell anyone." Payton said quietly as she sat on my bed.

"Why?" I asked as I bit my lip and looked at her.

"It'll only create drama. The news will come here, it'll stir bad thoughts into people's head about this town. For years Woodoaks has been known as the happy town. The town that got no crime. If the word gets out that there was a robbery and two seventeen year old girls were held at gunpoint, or that there was a murder, we won't be the happy town anymore. You know the mayor doesn't want to ruin our reputation." Payton explained. I ran a hand down my face to try to stop the tears from flowing down my face.

"But won't everyone just find out tomorrow? Someone will have to find the......body." It felt so weird having that come out of my mouth. That's something I never thought I'd say.

"Maybe. But Incase they don't, we can't say anything." Her once bright blue eyes looked up to me. They looked darker now, more sadder. But I don't blame her. A lot has happened over the past week.

"Your right. The only people that need to know are you and me." I say as I take a seat besides her. It was silent, ya just staring off into space and thinking.

No crime has ever happened in Woodoaks. So why is it all just starting up now? Did someone new move here and bring trouble with them? I doubt someone new is here though, because if there was then mom and dad would of been one of the first to know and they would of told me.

"I'm going to go take a shower." She says before standing up, grabbing her bag, and walking into my built in bathroom.

I'm still sitting on my bed, my mind racing as I hear the shower faucet being turned on. My eyes look up to look at my reflection in the mirror. The hair that was once in a neatly nice braid was all over the place, some sticking to my skin from sweat. My cheeks were rosy red with dried tears staining them. My lips were busted and chapped because of me chewing on them. And my eyes, my once light brown eyes looked dark now, almost black. Probably because they were holding the sight of a dead guy in them.


Today is Monday, I'm dreading it more than usual. So far no one has said anything about a body, or a shooting. I think the body may of been hidden. I close my locker and walk down the hall, a million thoughts rolling through my mind.

"Tyler!" I jolt out of my thoughts as I looked up and see Payton walking over to me. "I have you tell you something, really important."

"Okay, tell m-" the bell cut me off from saying what I was going to say. People ran around trying to get to their classes, but me and Payton staid where we were. Payton looked uneasy, scaring me a little. "Payton?"

"There's a-"

"Get to class." Me and her looked over to see the senior math teacher looking at us.


"Now, unless I tell your teacher to count you tardy." He snapped. Payton squeezed her hands at her side before walking away. I slowly walked to my class, wondering what was wrong with her.

I took my regular seat in the back and stared to the wfront of the class. So many things have happened this week, and her acting like she has is scaring me.

The bell rang and the teacher came in, with a smile on her face, "Good morning class. I have a special announcement." She paused and looked around. "We have a new student." She smiled at the door, and in walked a tall, built boy.

I sat straight up in my seat as my heart pounded. A new kid?

"Why don't you introduce yourself." She smiled and stepped back.

"My name is Dustin Presley, and I just moved here last week from California. I'm the only child, and I'm 6 feet." He winked at the girls in the front. His voice is deep, like really deep.

"Thank you. You can take a seat back there by Tyler." The teacher pointed at me before turning around to her desk. Me and him made eye contact, a smirk growing on his face before we walked back to me. My eyes watched his every move, my heart thumping with ever step he took. Once he reached me he pulled out the empty seat besides me and sat down.

This is what Payton was trying to tell me! He moved here last week, when the crime started to happen. It's him, it's gotta be him.

"I'm Dustin." He tried to introduce himself.

"I know." I said in a monotone voice, not looking at him.

"I'm assuming your Tyler."

"Well your sitting by me so." I say, still not looking at me. But I could tell he was looking at me, I could feel it.

He chuckled a little, "I'm starting to get a feeling that you don't like me."

"I don't."

"Why? I just moved here." He said starting to get a little angry and irritated.

"Exactly." I said under my breath.


"I'm trying to listen to the teacher, and you keep distracting me so I would appreciate it if you would stop talking to me." I snap as I look over at him.

Oh my.

He's one hottie. He has light brown hair and a sharp jawline, and his eyes are a pretty green.

But the guys eyes at the robbery, his eyes were grey, not green. So what if it's not him? Or maybe It was green and I just saw gray.

"Having fun there?" His smirk snapped me out of my thoughts. A perfect dimple sat on his left cheek.


"Your staring."

"No I'm not." I say as my cheeks get red and I turn away from him. Oh my god no! I can not have a crush on a murder!

You don't know if he's the murder, though. A voice in my head said. And it's right, I don't know if he is. But I do know crime started happening when he moved here, so so far all signs point to yes.

"You know, I think your attractive too." His deep voice sounded like it got deeper. I looked over at him and have him a confused face.

"I never said you were attractive."

"Yeah, But you staring at me and then blushing when I called you out on it did." I could obviously tell he has a very big ego, and he's cocky.

Exactly like Xavier.

Just as I was about to say something the bell rang. He stood up and slung his book bag over his shoulder, but not before saying one last thing to me, "See you around, cupcake." He winked before walking off. Cupcake? Really?

I really can't tell Payton about this.

Hey hey hey! I'm backkkk
What do you guys think about Dustin? Is he the murdered and the person that robbed Tyler? Guess you'll find out in a few chapters

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