Chapter 4: Past Actions

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The Tyrant touched down across a circular landing platform. I powered the engines down, listening to the noise deplete into complete silence. Using the palm of my hand to rub my still teary eyes, my feet guided themselves down into the kitchen area. Any form of an appetite was long gone, but forcing myself to eat something would make me feel a tiny bit better because it was distracting. 

Settling on a warm drink, it grew cold in my hands as the minutes passed. My mind was stuck elsewhere, thinking about the events on Coruscant. That had not been the first time I'd been a bystander to such an incident. It happened at least a dozen over the course of the last five and a half years.

Hand moving of its own accord, I threw the mug full of liquid across the room, where it hit the wall with a bang. I put my face in my hands, peaking through my fingers at my light-saber that sat on the counter. 

"Y/n?" A muffled voice followed by a knock stirred me from my chair. Shuffling over to the door, I pressed a button and the door slid to the side. A small set of stairs lowered themselves down to a waiting Cal.

"Welcome aboard." I mumbled. I grabbed my light-saber off the counter and clipped it onto my belt, not wanting him to touch it. "So, where are we?"

"Bogano. It's a hidden place that the empire doesn't know about. So, we're safe here." He leaned a hip against the counter.

Picking at my nails, I stared at where I had been sitting. I could tell him about what happened back on Coruscant. I should. It would make things better for me, and it'd feel better to get it off my chest. The burden of knowing what had happened to all those poor people...

"Cal?" Raising my gaze, I looked over at my red-haired friend. He regarded me silently, waiting for me to speak. "Actually...something happened on Coruscant. I'm not exactly proud of it, but it wasn't the first time it's happened."

Cal scooted closer, but kept about five feet between us. "You want to tell me?"

I gave a small nod. "I delivered my stuff. I was talking to one of the troopers when a group of people were dragged of a transporter. They were all force-sensitives. I didn't...I didn't know what to do!"

The shame rose in my throat, bringing tears to my eyes. I rubbed them away forcefully with the palm of my hand. "They killed them all, and I did nothing. I've seen it happen more time than I ever wish to. All of those people might still be alive if I'd been less selfish."

I didn't want to see the look on Cal's face. Surely he was mad, he had to be. I was a capable force-wielder who had a lot of talent and power. It was in those instances that revealing myself was the most of my worries, and it was out of fear of being discovered, killed, or chased if I chose to run for my life. Surely there were other Force-wielding people out there, but how long would they last?

An arm wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me to a firm chest. "I understand, Y/n. You weren't in a position where you could help them. But it's different now. You can change that, and help us rebuild the Order so that we can help those in hiding to stand up against the Empire. We can't let events from the past prevent us from moving to the future."

I sniffed, feeling like a child as I wrapped my arms around his slim waist, clinging the shirt on his back with tightened fingers. This time it would be different. It would be. I needed guidance, and Cere and Cal were the ones who could give it to me, to keep me on the right path to succeed. Although, I prayed that I would learn as much as I could before anything else came our way. I wanted to be ready for anything. 

A/N: Short and sweet!

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