Chapter 3: One Last Job

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It was day three of fixing the Tyrant, thanks to Cal and his friends. It had felt unusual to be talking this much with new faces, but I had become a little more comfortable as the days went past. I'd gotten to know Cere, Merrin, and Greez a little better. And they had gotten to know Gael. Speaking of that cat....

I stood and stretched, having been hunched over a nearly repaired hole in the wing. A loud purring caught my attention, and I saw that Merrin had Gael in her arms, who was purring like a well-sounding motor. I raised an eyebrow at the sight. Merrin was an odd girl, but talented, and was difficult to warm up to with her serious demeanor. She seemed nice otherwise. 

"Hey, BD." The tiny two-legged droid perked up, having been trotting around in the sand. "Why don't you come give me a hand. This is the last thing that needs a fix."

BD gave an excited trill and made his way up to me, excited that he was finally able to do something. It was an adorable little droid, and attached to Cal's hip. Those two seemed to be inseparable. He came over to my feet, giving the damage a quick scan before settling in to work. I hopped down from the wing, gasping as my stiff legs absorbed the impact. 

"Y/n, would you come here a minute?" called Cere. Everyone was all standing off to the side. Apparently, Cere was, or had been a Jedi. Cal had given me the short version, and the details were enough that I didn't think about asking for the whole story. Cere had suffered losses, simple to comprehend the shared pain between the four of us, excluding Greez.

"What's up?" I asked, a knock of anxiety bumping around in my stomach. It came from the stare that Cere gave me, reminding me too much of my Master Topol when he wanted to supply criticism.

Greez spoke up instead of Cere. "We've been helping you, kid. You haven't told us where we're going."

"Where I'm going," I corrected, crossing my arms, "it's better if I do this myself. And...I don't think any of you would want to take one step into the atmosphere. Not now anyway..."

"Where, Y/n." Cere questioned.

I chewed on my cheek. Goddamn these habits. I'd spent years, knowing never to disclose information that pertained to the client, or the destination to anyone other than the immediate party. That had been burned into me when I first decided to become a transporter.

"Cor...Coruscant." I forced out. No. Why did I say it? I wasn't going to. My mouth did it on its own.

"That sounds familiar," Cal said, "I think I've been there before."

"We have," I replied, "and now its overrun and and controlled by the Empire. Please, just let me do this on my own. I've been there nearly half a dozen times, and it's routine for me.. If you want to follow me, then stay hidden, because don't need anything to happen while I'm down there, especially if you're the cause."


Rubbing my temples, I sat back in my seat while tapping a few buttons. The Tyrant dropped out of hyper-speed, revealing the planet Coruscant. Lights from the billions of people on the planet were like a beacon in the dark. A blockade ship hailed the comms, and I placed my headset on to listen.

'Transporter ship, Identify yourself.' The voice was clear, and orderly.

"This is transporter 2957-A, requesting access to Coruscant."

'What is your business here?'

"A shipment for a renowned client, and I'm already behind on delivery." I pushed my ship forward to go a little faster, slowly nearing the blockade. The seconds that ticked by seemed to painfully stretch as I waited for a response.

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