Chapter 39: A Devil's Deal

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Notwithstanding the current presence looming behind me, I approached Sen's body, taking a knee next to her side and holding a hand loosely in front of her nose. A ray of consolation eased the immediate trepidation that entered my chest when small puffs of warm, humid air hit my hand. Of course, it was a temporary feeling knowing Sen was not okay. The smell of charred skin and burning hair was clarity to that fact. Subtly, my eyes scanned her body, finding at least three deep scoring marks that only a lightsaber could produce. I could see her lightsaber lying several feet away in the grass. Standing, I kept my eyes on Sen.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"Many things," He answered in that monotonous tone, "you've been gone a long time Inquisitor."

I turned, finally facing that masked face that up until now I'd kept locked away in forbidden memory. "That's not a title I claim anymore, Vader."

"I am aware of your doings as the Grey Assassin. You've given the Empire many problems as of late."

 "One of your new Inquisitors told me that not but a few hours ago. His words were short-lived," I stated as I shifted weight from one foot to another, "but you already knew of my doings on Arkanis, don't you."

His silence answered my question. He did.

"Is that why you hurt my Master? In order to draw me out into the open to kill me?" A hint of irritation allowed itself to creep into my voice. If Vader had wanted to, he could have just killed her, but I knew he meant to use her as leverage for whatever sick plan he had concocting itself underneath that helmet of his. 

"It would be a waste to kill you. Your powers in the force are incredibly strong, and I require someone who is not incompetent. Perhaps then I can draw you back to where you belong, the Empire has much use of someone like you, including my own Master. You have great potential."

"I do not allow myself to belong to any group inside or outside of the Empire despite any potential you claim that it is I have. I remain truly neutral to all of this, which allows me to do many things.. Doing bad for good outcomes, and bad for bad outcomes it really doesn't matter. If I am given a job, I will complete it no matter the consequences, because it is just how this world is. It's the same lifestyle I had as a transporter for Empirical ship parts. Now, my understanding that after you've had your use of me, its either kill me or force my enslavement to the Empire."

"Still quite insightful aren't you."

I shrugged. "Call it common sense," my lighthearted tone turned stale, "now what is it that you require of me..."

"What I want will be discussed on my ship."

The sound of distant engines above us made me glace up to see the hazy silhouette of Vader's Star Destroyer hovering in the atmosphere. I didn't reply as I raised a hand, using the force to lift Sen's still unconscious body three feet off the ground. Vader didn't have to imply having to do so, she was coming with us whether or not I wanted it to happen. There was no good outcome for her here or that ship.

"I am bringing my ship along." I stated as I began walking back up the hill. Glancing back, I pulled with the force. Sen's lightsaber flew through the air and into my other empty hand. I pocketed the weapon. 

Half a dozen storm troopers stood at the open boarding ramp to my ship. N6 was floating nervously inside the doorway, not saying a word even when she saw me. I guess this was a boarding party to accompany me inside the Tyrant on the way up to the Star Destroyer. Wordlessly, they followed me inside and I ordered them to sit in the main hold. I went to my personal Quarters, laying Sen down on my bed and covering her with a blanket. As I went to walk away, a warm hand grabbed my arm, and I stopped to look down at my Master.

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