Chapter 2: Together

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It should have felt relieving to see Cal's face, instead there was only distress. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask, voice shaking. My gaze flickered down to the light-saber on his hip, which had half of their master's saber inter-worked into the new design. 

"I should be asking you that, where have you been?"

Pocketing the gun, I straightened up and took a step back, ignoring his question. "I thought you were dead." Movement near the Mantis made me look, seeing Greez, and to other women that were unfamiliar. 

"Master Topol gave his life so that I could escape."

"Where did you go after that?"

Cal ran a hand through his hair. "I lived on Bracca, working as a scrapper. But, an inquisitor found me after I'd used the force to save a friend. Greez and Cere saved my life, and I've been with them for the past six months, traveling across the outer rim...what is it?"

I hadn't realized that I had a small smile on my face. "I've been transporting Bracca scraps for years. Who knew..." The smile then faded. "And then you shot me out of the sky."

"We didn't know..."

I stepped to the side and walked past him, venturing over to the right wing which had taken the hits from Greez. "Fair enough..."  Clambering up on the wing to get a better vantage point of the damage, it was clear that Tyrant was not going to be flying for at least a few days. This was a setback that would lower the reward money by one-hundred and fifty cred. 

Cal followed me up onto the wing. "What are you doing on a transporter?"

"I give ship parts to the enemy. It keeps me safe and undercover and now I have to repair my damn ship and get. What else do you need to know?" Hopping off, I headed to the cargo hold and grabbed a tool kit before heading outside. Cal was still where I left him.

He sat himself down on the wing. "Why don't you come with us?"

A snort left me.  "Why would I do that?" Crouching over a whole in the wing, I began prodding at it. 

"Y/n, please. We'll keep you safe. The Inquisitors are still hunting for Order survivors, and they will find you eventually."

I leaned back so that I was now sitting, an arm slung over my knee. "They find you if you use the force, I haven't in nearly six years. Hiding is better than nothing, and I need to make a living, even if that means isolation."

"We need you, Y/n. I thought the same thing too when I was on Bracca. But, things changed. Those on the Mantis with me are my friends, and family. You don't have to continue being alone, or to do this job." Cal scooted closer, with a comforting smile on his face. 

I wasn't about to admit that I was scared, not even to Cal. Spending years isolated to one's self, and the habits of opening up to others was hard to break. Perhaps it was time to leave my current lifestyle. Besides, now that I knew that Cal was alive, I'd rather stick with him then go off on my own again.

Sighing, I have a single nod. "Alright, Cal. But, on one condition. You help me repair my ship, I deliver the cargo, and then I'll stay with you."

A/N: Your character will warm up within this chapter or the next, haha. No one can't stray from Cal's charm for too long XD

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