Chapter 36: A New Adventure

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Sen came up behind me as I sat outside in the tall grass, etching a design into some obsidian I'd found along one of the beaches.

"I contacted Khosuh to let your friends know to come get you."

I didn't look up from my small project, too engrossed on not messing up as I finished the last little bit at the bottom. "You're coming with, right?"


Pausing, I twisted around to stare up at the feline. "What?" Hopping to my feet with tools and black rock still in hand, I approached my master having to high step it through the tangled greenery. "Why not?"

"It is better for me to stay with my people, and truth be told I am not accustomed to travel throughout space like your friend Khosuh."

"There are so few of us left, I can't risk you getting killed too. I've lost too many people already."

Sen smiled. "It's safer for us to be apart than together. You know this, my young apprentice."

I nodded solemnly. "I'm sorry. I was being selfish."

"In which you have every right, that is nothing to be sorry about. Here, take this."

I watched her pull out something she'd been holding behind her back. It was a selonian glaive, a weapon that was heavy, but very useful in combat. She held it out to me and I took it, having to use more strength than necessary to keep it aloft in my grip. It was a long piece of wood, with sharp and shining obsidian blade on one end, with a couple of spikes on the other. Wooden grips were placed near either end for easy holding. 

Sen gestured to the glaive in my hand. "All young females of our people design their own, but I designed this one for you. Think of it as a gift for your hard work."

"Thank you." I was half-confident in the use of the glaive. Sometimes, instead of using our lightsabers for hand to hand combat, we would use wooden staves instead. I guess that was her way of readying me for such a weapon although the weight would take some getting used to. 

Sen also pulled out a satchel from over her shoulder, handing it to me.

"What else did you give me?"

"You'll see. Given your 'personal style' as you put it, I made some clothing materials for you."

A warmth spread though my heart at the generosity that Sen had shown me over the last few months. She'd already done so much for me already. Setting down both the bag and the glaive, I raised my right hand which still clutched the carved rock, a leather cord of string going through the hole at the top. "This is for you, I made it with my 'personal style' as a thank you."

The two of us laughed as she took it from my grasp, examining it. The design was similar to the one I had on my original lightsaber. I watched her pull the cord over her head, the obsidian resting at the center of her chest. A sound drew our attention causing us to look up at the sky to see The Tyrant flying down from the atmosphere to our location.  A part of me didn't want to go, but there was much to do, and I couldn't do it here. 

In the spur of the moment, I turned and hugged Sen tightly. Sen let out a noise, but it followed with a half-surprised laugh while returning the hug. Letting go of each other as the Tyrant settled down along the cliffside, I gathered up my belongings and turned back to ask a question. Sen beat me to the answer before I could utter a word.

"Contact me when only necessary, Y/n."

Giving an affirmative nod, I gave one last backward glance at Sen as I walked away towards the opening door. Cal, N6, and BD were the only ones to exit the ship and come greet me with open arms.  



I grinned brightly as I was bombarded with two hugs and an excited trill from BD. "Hi."

Cal let go of me, allowing me to push N6 away for my own personal space. He looked me up and down, looking relieved. "You seem...different."

"Is that a good or a bad thing, Kestis?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow, adjusting the pack on my shoulder.

"Definitely a good thing. Am I going to be hearing all about your stay here in the next little while?"


N6 didn't  miss a beat to fill the silence after my response, and began to ramble about what had gone on during the time that I was away. As we began to board my ship, I took one more glance back to where I last saw Sen, but she wasn't there. 

"May the force be with you, Master." I whispered, as I was the last to board the ship.

A/N: This was a very short one but a good segway for the next few chapters to come. Again, another big thank you for all of the support for this story. I never thought it would become as popular as it has. Love you all so much!

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