Chapter 27: Power

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"Y/n? Hey, are you alright?"

"Have you lost your nerve already?" He said, standing next to me. We watched from the edge of a burning town as troopers took over jurisdiction of a well-known mining facility. "I was fresh like you just a year ago. The satisfaction will always follow the destruction, knowing we've succeeded in such endeavors for the Empire."

Slowly glancing at the Eleventh Brother, my eyes then focused back on the destruction at hand. Not finding it necessary to reply I stepped away from him, walking toward the facility to take care of anyone not willing to work under the Empire's wishes. 


"I did well in my choice to keep you alive, even in the last month you've made so much progress."

I made a noise behind my mask. "It's my job. Killing Jedi and those who oppose the Empire."

"Yes, yes. I've accumulated close to a thousand lives by these hands and this lightsaber. Same goes for you, I'm afraid you'll beat me."

"Is this all a contest to you, Eleventh Brother?" I asked, staring at him.

There was a smile in his voice. "Whatever passes the time."

"Lord Vader won't think too highly of you seeing all of this as some childish game. I suggest you pass your time in a more constructive way, or would you like me to speak to him personally about your behavior. We'll see how long he keeps you around then."

It seemed to shut him up, and I was grateful. This man, maybe a few years older than myself, was unreservedly disturbed. Perhaps it was why Lord Vader kept him. The Eleventh Brother was good at what he did, exceedingly so; I would never declare that it made a small seed of fear implant itself deep in my mind.


Eleventh Brother's slow clap was deafening in the hollow silence of the finished destruction around us. Piles of burning crashed ships, and machinery surrounded us in the dark illuminated by the orange glow. 

"Well done, you've surpassed my kill streak. I wouldn't have gone that far though."

"Do shut up." I snarled, rolling my eyes. "Our troopers have force-sensitive children over there, be useful and get them on board."

"As you wish, Twelfth Sister." He replied, walking past me around a fiery grave towards the younglings. Overhead, a flash of light erupted followed by the booming, reverberating sound of thunder.

Thunder cracked overhead, shaking the interior of the ship. I startled when a glass broke, having fallen off the table where I sat, shattering into bits and pieces on the floor. Blinking, I let out a slow sigh, sitting back against the chair, rubbing my face with a hand. 

"Y/n...hello? You okay?" 

Dropping my hand into my lap, I regarded my ginger-haired friend leaning on the tabletop with crossed arms. "Yeah...I'm fine."

"It's dark now, You've been sitting here for an hour."

I stood, masking a groan when I stood, feeling all of my muscles protest. "Yeah, I know. I'm going to bed."

"You haven't eaten, are you hungry?"

I shook my head. "No."


I woke with a gasp, feeling myself broken out in a cold sweat. My room was chaos, objects slowly rolling to a stop on my floor. I looked at hands, feeling the effects of the force that surge about the room.

Ascension  - Jedi: Fallen Order  (Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें