"Contact us when you make a safe landing, Spectre-6. Spectre-7 and I are heading back to base." Hera says. Ezra watches the Ghost take off, leaving the planet safely. Though he's still in danger, he feels like he can breathe a bit easier knowing they won't get hurt.

Chopper and Ezra carefully walk around the ship. Even though it's not the Ghost, he must admit that it is impressive. He notices that Luke and Chewie head toward the cockpit, leaving him and Chopper to their own devices.

"Vader. He's here." Luke pants as he reaches the cockpit. He doesn't mention that they've brought guests. He doesn't want to upset Han more than he already has. He's been having a hard day trying to keep up with the team. Something just seems off.

"What took you so long?" Han asks, looking back at Luke. Quickly, he punches in the coordinates and Leia helps out in the co-pilot seat. Before Luke can answer, Chewie enters and growls to Han. "What do you mean we have extra passengers?"

"Who did you two bring along?" Leia asks, glaring at them. She thinks that four is enough for the trouble they get into. She doesn't want to drag more people into their problems.

"Well, we couldn't just leave them behind for Vader to attack," Luke argues. Though he's never battled Vader person to person, he's seen enough of him in action. He watched Vader take down Ben and miraculously survived him when the Death Star blew.

"I'll need to see them once we get into hyperspace." She says, getting back to the task at hand. She just needs to worry about one thing at a time. Once they're in the air, everyone lets out a collective sigh. They've been in Vader's sights since they blew up the Death Star. Everywhere they go, it seems like he's right behind them.

"So, where are these stowaways? They're not stealing from me, are they?" Han asks as he rises from his seat. He doesn't have much to steal, but he wants to feel upset about something. He doesn't mind helping the rebellion, but he didn't sign up to cater to everyone's problems.

"I don't think so," Luke says as Leia and Han push past him. Luke is known for misjudging people. He never thinks that people might be ripping him off or stealing from him. He always thinks of them as friends before enemies. Which, if they weren't in the middle of a war, would be a good thing.

Chopper nudges Ezra, getting his attention as the crew finally make their appearance. "Who are you?" Han asks, placing his hands on his hips. Ezra notices the stranger's fingers resting just on the blaster. He doesn't blame them for being uneasy. In fact, he's uneasy about this situation as well.

But then he sees her. "Princess Leia." He breathes, walking towards her.

She keeps her head held high. Though she doesn't recognize him, she's not surprised that she knows her. It seems like everyone in the galaxy knows her. So she stays silent, waiting to see what else he has to say.

"I'm sure you don't remember me, but you helped us on Lothal." He says. Chopper lets out a soft grunt, recognizing her now. "We were all devasted to hear what happened to your planet. But, we were thankful to hear that you were alive. The rebellion has been grateful for your service."

Leia pauses, studying him. "You two are with the rebellion?" She asks.

"Yes. I'm Ezra Briger. And this is Chopper." He introduces, gesturing to the astromech. Chopper lets out a small fanfare, rolling forward.

C-3PO and R2-D2 come out from behind Luke. "C1-10P. My, it has been years." C-3PO says as R2D2 rolls towards Chopper. They both give each other a shove and leave it at that. They have a mutual understanding.

"You two have met?" Luke asks.

"Oh, yes. It was when we were working under Senator Bail Organa. It was many years ago though. Honesty, I'm surprised you rebels have survived this long. You were all very reckless." C-3PO says, making Chopper and Ezra laugh.

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