"You..." Rory says shakily. She's just so tired. She opens her eyes once more, seeing Kai blinking at her in confusion. It's like he didn't expect her to be unhappy. "You... why would you—" she cuts herself off as she runs a hand through her hair. "I don't..."

"Try and find your words, Roro. C'mon, slowly,"

"Shut the fuck up, Kai," Rory interjects, hissing between her teeth.

"Oh, come on. It's only fair. It's not like I killed Elena. You know, I made sure to keep her alive because we're friends! See, I wanted to give you a choice. A, you choose Bonnie. B, you choose Elena. If I'm being honest, I'm kind of leaning towards the Bonnie option, just because I want the drama," Kai smiles.

"I can't do this," Rory grips the edge of a broken table, hunching over. "I can't... this is too much. This is way too much."

Kai frowns, striding towards her. He pats Rory's back unsurely. "I'm sure everything's going to be fine. Well, depending on who you choose. I have a feeling Damon might kill you if you decide to keep Bonnie alive—"

"Undo the spell," Rory turns to face Kai. "Undo the spell. Find a way to undo it."

Kai juts his bottom lip out. "I can't. My death made it permanent. Only way out is to execute it," he leans closer, lifting an eyebrow. "Good news about putting your twin sister in an eternal sleep—your pretty face doesn't make me nervous anymore."

"I could kill you," Rory says through gritted teeth. "I could kill you right now."

"I don't think so. I'm a vampire too," Kai wiggles his hands. "Paired with the fact I got mad siphoning powers, I could probably make your death that much quicker. And even more painful." Rory lifts her hand and smacks Kai across the face. He doesn't seem shocked, but he does hold his cheek in pain. "I deserved that."

"Get away from me," Rory demands, shoving him off her. "I'm finding Bonnie."

"Oh, so you made your choice, then? You're choosing Bonnie? I gotta say, kind of confusing. You know, twin loyalty and all that,"

"I'm not letting my best friend die," Rory interjects, turning to face him. "Bonnie... Bonnie deserves to live. She's given up everything for everyone. Damon is a vampire. By the time Bonnie does die—a natural death—then... Elena and he would have all the time in the world," Rory swallows the lump in her throat. She feels guilty for even saying this; for even thinking of putting someone above her sister.

But this is Bonnie.

"You're not... you're not taking either of them away from me," Rory looks up at him, clenching her jaw. "You can't."

"That's a touching speech. Too bad it means nothing to me," Kai shrugs. "Bonnie left me in that prison world. Where there were starving vampires, just an FYI. I was a human."

"I didn't know, okay? And if I did know, I wouldn't exactly blame Bonnie, because you were awful to her in that prison world. You stabbed her; you traumatised her. Bonnie is terrified of you. I'm sorry that she didn't give you a second chance, but..." Rory runs a hand through her hair. "But sometimes people run on anger."

"I wanted to make things right,"

"Well some things just aren't forgivable!" Rory interjects.

Kai flinches back, hurt at her words. "But you said she'd forgive me,"

"I never said that. I said it would take time. Ultimately, it was up to Bonnie. And I'm guessing she never did," Rory stalks towards Kai, exhaling. "But it's not the end of the world, okay? You move on. You be better," Rory squeezes her eyes shut as she tries to gather her thoughts. "Excuse me. I have to call Bonnie and let her know to get her ass out of town before Damon finds her."

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