Just as Yoongi was about to knock, she opened the door and ran straight into him.

"Sorry," he muttered softly.

"It's okay, accidents happen. Did you need something?" She asked cutely as she fidgeted with her pink sweater. 

"I was actually wondering if you wanted company. It'd be.. nice to get out," he asked nervously.

"Well, as long as you don't mind hanging out with me." She laughed teasingly. "I'm not doing anything crazy today. Going to run by the restaurant, check if I need anything else, then maybe stop by the grocery store to buy something to make for later."

Anything is better than sitting here waiting for an answer I won't ever get.

"Do you have everything you need?" She asked as she pulled out her phone to call for a car to come pick them up.

"Oh, where are you two going?" Taehyung looked up from whatever he, Jimin, and Jungkook were looking at on his phone as Y/n and Yoongi got to the living room, heading towards the front door.

"Y/n's going to run errands, I just decided to tag along," Yoongi shrugged casually. "It's a beautiful day out."

"Yeah, it's nothing really, you guys enjoy your day off today!" Y/n bowed at them as they both walked out and headed into the car.


Once they were in the car, Yoongi finally worked up the courage to ask Y/n what he wanted to ask first. It may have taken him nearly the whole car ride, because the drive announces that they're about to pull up to the restaurant.

"Y/n," Yoongi starts. "Are you and Jungkook... seeing each other.. by any chance?"

She seems taken aback that Yoongi is even asking. He can't seem to read her expression in terms of her feelings, however.

"Honestly, we aren't," She admits. 

Yoongi can't help to smile to himself a little bit. Maybe he did have a tiny bit of a chance to make this go somewhere. Maybe he could at least do something to make him move on. He didn't necessarily see a life partner in Y/n, but he saw somebody that he could enjoy being with in general.

Is it a rebound if it's nearly a decade after the relationship? I'm certain she hasn't dated anybody either.. 

He couldn't help but think about his ex, even in his plans to ask Y/n out on a date.

Soon Y/n and Yoongi were inside her restaurant and she was showing him around. 

This place really is her. 

He couldn't help but feel moved by how much he could tell that this was Y/n's whole life and love. She was as passionate about cooking as he was about music and he admired that. She was both cute and powerful, someone to go to and someone to respect.

Their trip was cut short when Y/n realized she didn't have anything more she needed to do at the restaurant. Yoongi was getting nervous about asking her on a date, so he diverted their plans from going to the grocery store to just going home and ordering delivery for dinner instead.

Once back at the house, he knew it was his last chance to ask her before they'd be wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of the house again, so as they were approaching the front door, Yoongi grabbed her wrist.

"Can you take a walk around the block with me?" He looked at her with his soft, brown eyes as he let go and began to walk ahead of her.

"U-uh, sure, Yoongi, let's go," She nodded as she jogged to catch up.

"Is something going on?" She asked as she matched his pace.

"Y/n," he blurted out once the house was out of our viewing distance. "I asked about you and Jungkook earlier, because I had decided if you guys weren't seeing each other, that I'd like to get to know you and take you out sometime."

They both stopped walking for a moment and Yoongi could feel each second passing by slower and slower. It was almost painful. 

"L-like on a date?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah, if that's something you'd be interested in," He spoke quietly.

"Will you consider it?" He asked, almost hopefully.

After what feels like an eternity, Y/n responds.

"I don't mind," She seemed to answer nervously. He wasn't sure if she was nervous because of him or if it was because she felt like she couldn't say no.

"Are you sure, Y/n? You seem hesitant," he asked softly.

"I-I'm hesitant because I'm surprised still. I don't mind going on a date to see if anything comes of this." She explained, and Yoongi's shoulders dropped a little bit at the word 'if'.

"And I'm mostly hesitant because I... I haven't been on a date in a long time, but I wouldn't mind going on one with you," Y/n added.

They had walked pretty far around the block and were approaching the house when Yoongi stopped again to look at her.

He had completely forgotten the whole deal with her ex. That evening when Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook were being nosy on the internet, Yoongi had done so as well on his personal time. Not to mention all the times she spoke about it. He felt bad for pressing for the date now, but she had already said yes, so he decided to offer her an out.

"Just one date, and if you don't want to after that, I won't be upset. Just glad that we got to try. It's soon, but are you busy tomorrow?" He asked determinedly.

"I should be free tomorrow," She smiled at him. 

His face lit up and they continued walking their way back to the house. 


"Oh, hey guys," Yoongi waved at Namjoon and Jungkook with a smile on his face once he and Y/n made it through the front door.

She excused herself to go to her room as Yoongi approached the pair.

"What's going on with you two?" He asked innocently.

"Just talking to Kookie here about what happened with IU. He's been handling it well," Namjoon patted Jungkook on the shoulder so hard that Jungkook coughed.

"Yeah.. we were. I've just been going through the motions I guess," Jungkook explained. 

"Oh, how was running errands? Did you get to see the restaurant?" Namjoon asked, suddenly remembering that Yoongi came back with Y/n.

"It was nice. We didn't actually need to run any errands, so she just showed me around. It was actually very brief, but..." Yoongi trailed off.

"But?" Jungkook asked.

"When we got back to the house, I asked her to take a walk around the block with me," he continued.

"That's nice, I like taking that walk too," Namjoon interjected randomly.

"I asked her on a date," Yoongi said bluntly, oblivious to Jungkook's change in energy.

Both Namjoon and Jungkook's mouths gaped open and eyes grew wide.

They don't have to act so shock.. I know they haven't ever seen me date.. but geez.

"W-what did she say?" Jungkook asked quietly.

"She said yes," he responded, and smiled his gummy smile.


author's note:

I lied, it's gonna be three parts. Sorry! 

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