"I'm going to go get something to drink, do any of you want anything?" Adalyn asks us and Erica shakes her head.

"I'll go with you. I could use some water." I stand up and Josephine follows deciding water sounds good.

The three of us get to the bottom of the bleachers and we make our way to the concession stand set up on the other side of the track.

"I don't know how all these people can watch the game without needing some water. The way they're screaming it seems like their throats would be dry and maybe even bleeding."

Suddenly, Josephine runs into something tall and blonde.

It's not a something, it's a someone.

The girl turns around with a giant o' shape formed on her mouth,"Watch where you're going bitch!"

Josephine takes a small step back and Adalyn's eyes widen.

Josephine gives the blonde a soft look, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mea-"

"What is it babe?" a voice asks and the four of our attention is suddenly brought to the brown eyed boy beside her.


"This ugly ass just ran straight into me like I wasn't standing directly in front of her!" She shouts, gaining the attention of people around us.

It takes everything in me not to slap her in the face for being so rude to someone as sweet as Josephine.

Seriously, she's the only person I know who looks at pinterest jokes on her free time. And I once saw her honk a frog so it would move and she wouldn't run over it. The frog jumped out of her path but I don't think it was because she honked.

"Josephine?" Marcus asks, clearly surprised. His surprise wears off soon as it turn to anger, "Why are you here? Was me standing you up not enough to make you want to leave me alone? I understand that you probably don't have boys talk to you that often but me and you," he gestures between the two of them, "will never happen. I only wanted you for your body but it was too damn hard to get so I say screw it."

Marcus was just using Josephine. Now everything makes sense. Of course Josephine wouldn't do anything like that, especially not with him.

Marcus opens his mouth to say something else but when I hear Josephine crying I know it's time for me to step in.

"Well maybe if your new little toy wasn't standing in the middle of the track people would be able to get around her easier an-"

I'm about to continue when Adalyn continues it for me, "And if you would get a damn haircut then you might would be able to see what you're missing out on when you let Josephine go because she's a hell of a lot better than this washed up tramp you're carrying with you right now."

He raises his eyebrows and him and his girlfriend look at each other. She's right about him needing a haircut though.

"Yea, and you doing this to her is just teaching her not to follow her heart. Now she's going to be like 'I'm not following my heart anymore, this mother fucker gives back directions.' and I'm going to have to be like, 'no sweetie, Marcus is just an ass.'"

Adalyn takes her turn again, "For all you know a ghost is humping you right now but you're too busy playing girls so you'll never even know."

"Men ain't giving us butterflies no more. It's straight high blood pressure!" I shout at him and he hold his hands up in defense.

"Okay," he turns to Josephine, "I'm sorry, I guess." he gives us a crazy look before walking away as his girlfriend follows behind him like a lost puppy.

I turn to Josephine to comfort her in her crying but when I see her, she's looking at us with a giant grin. When Marcus is out of range she begins laughing, not just laughing like the ha ha kind of laugh but more like the ahahahah kind of laugh.

Adalyn and I look at each other and we start laughing at her laugh.

When she's finished, she straightens back up and looks at us, "What was all that stuff?"

I shrug and put my arm around her, "Nobody messes with our Josephine."

Adalyn laughs, "Yea, you got to keep a little hoe in your pocket in case a bitch don't act right."

We get to the concession stand and Adalyn gets a water for Lucas and a Gatorade for herself. I get Josephine and me a water and we make our way back to the bleachers.

Authors Note:
Hey guys! Thanks for reading and don't forget to click that little star at the bottom! Have a great day and stay safe! Times are crazy in the world right now but I know we can get through them if we stick together (as long as it's 6 ft apart lol). I hope all of you and your families are doing well!

Trace wasn't in this chapter.. I apologize! But you're about to be seeing A LOT of him so I hope I'm forgiven?

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