Chapter 20

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"Are you sure you don't need anything else?" Minerva asked as she stood in the courtyard of the castle, watching Mikky finish strapping her saddle onto Star's back. Akeno was standing beside her going through a bag of her own, making sure she had everything as well.

"I'm sure." Mikky answered. "And I'm not just saying that because I plan to steal stuff on the way out."

"I swear I will tell the guards to execute you on sight." Minerva warned.

"I'm kidding! Relax!" Mikky chuckled.

Akeno pulled her bag on over her shoulder with a laugh of her own. "I won't let her get into any trouble Minerva. I promise."

Minerva sighed and stepped forward, her smile returning as she offered her hand to Akeno. "Thank you for all your help. I'm sorry for what that bastard did to you, and I hope the next time we meet it will be under better circumstances."

Akeno shook her hand with a smile of her own. "Of course Lady Minerva. I look forward to our next meeting."

Minerva stepped back as Mikky climbed up onto her horse before pulling Akeno up behind her. "I will return on my way back. Though I can't promise that I will stay."

"For now you're my Thane, and you will always have a place here. As long as you don't go stealing from my people we won't have any problems. If you need to steal something go to Yeager. Gods know they could use some misfortune." Minerva rolled her eyes.

"I'll keep that in mind." The cat laughed. "See you soon my Queen."

"Likewise Master Thief."

Mikky enouraged Star to start moving, and the three of them left the castle courtyard and entered into the city itself, heading for the eastern gate at a slow pace. They were in no rush to get to their destination and they had all the time in the world to do so. Akeno turned around, pressing her back to Mikky's as she seemed to be drawing in a leatherbound book she had acquired. Mikky could not see the drawing, but she could hear the charcoal pencil on the paper. Akeno occupied her time with her drawing while Mikky lead them on the road, keeping her eyes and ears out for trouble.

The road was long, and for most of the day they barely spoke to each other. Choosing to entertain themselves with their respective tasks. They stopped to rest around noon, allowing Star to take a break and drink some water from a nearby stream while Mikky prepared a small meal for the two of them, giving a carrot to the horse who munched on it happily.

They rested for a good two hours before remounting and continuing their journey till nightfall.

"Are you sure it's okay to be working Star so much? Should he not get more breaks?" Akeno questioned, now turned to face Mikky's back with her book in her lap.

"He never forces me to, and doesn't put up a fight at the end of a break either. I've been wondering if he's magical or not, but he doesn't ever seem to have any problems." Mikky shrugged.

"He's a loyal beast." Akeno smiled. "He says he very much wants to please you."

"You can understand him?"

"Indeed. I can understand most animals."

"Then ask him if he wants more breaks. I won't force him to walk if he's tired. I just assumed he didn't need them."

Akeno was silent for a moment before speaking. "He says he wouldn't mind more breaks, but that he can push forward if he needs to. He says he'll rest when we get there."

"Well, let me know if he gets sore or something." The cat rolled her eyes like she didn't believe the fox could understand her horse but chose not to say anything.

The Fox and The Cat (Lesbian Story, Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now