Chapter 5

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"Well shit." Mikky muttered, standing up and allowing John to roll onto his stomach and pull his hood over his head.

"I suppose I should thank you for letting him live." Minerva sighed deeply. "Though I do wish you would have hurt him a bit more."

"My lady!" John whined.

"Be silent fool." Minerva growled. "You can't attack anyone who insults Zia. She's completely ignored this entire town, and every message I sent her. If she intervened then the King would never have gained this much power and these people wouldn't be suffering."


"No! My mother is a worthless coward, and she has every right to be insulted by everyone who lives in her lands. Attack anyone else for this stupid reason and I'll tear out your fangs myself."

John grumbled, picking himself up and pulling the hood up to hide his face. Mikky finally noticed his golden eyes, and realized that he wasn't a Stargazer vampire. He was turned or born to a Daybreaker bloodline, and somehow came into Minerva's service.

"What are you doing here then?" Mikky asked, moving back towards her horse where Akeno quickly lept off her horse's back and onto Mikky's shoulder where the cat looked back at Minerva with Akeno glaring over her shoulder.

"I'm doing my best to clean up after him. I've taken control of the orphanage and I've been supplying it with food and water for the children. Most shops are donating now that I've taken up residence there, likely trying to put in a good word for the Stargazer's that own the land they walk on."

"So the orphanage is doing okay?" Mikky asked.

"The guards mostly avoid it. I shouldn't have to tell you why." Minerva crossed her arms over her chest with a smirk. "Everyone is terrified of me, but the King still refuses to speak to me. He likely thinks by ignoring me it shows he doesn't need Stargazer's in his city. But more and more people turn away from him and come to me for help with problems. He won't be able to ignore me for much longer when all his people refuse his taxes, and come to my orphanage for sanctuary."

"You can give sanctuary to a whole town?" Mikky questioned.

"While it's true there are a lot of people in this town, far more than there should be. It's also true that everyone fears a Pureblood vampire, let alone a Daughter of Zia herself. Since my sister Anikke has forsaken the Stargazer name in favor of a treaty, I'm the Eldest Daughter of Zia. Place my crest above your doorstep, and no guard will dare enter it for the fear of me tearing their throats out."

"A crest won't scare them forever."

"That's why I've been killing them off when I need to. When they overstep their bounds and enter my domain when they should know better."

"You're killing people?" Mikky asked.

"I know killing may be above most people, but for us immortals we understand its necessity. Sometimes they leave you no choice, and a life must be taken to ensure the safety of others."

"She is unfortunately right. You should still be cautious of her." Akeno warned again.

Minerva paused, as if she too heard the voice. She blinked curiously, glancing around for a moment before directing her attention on the fox then back to the cat. "Did your pet just speak?"

"My fox?" Mikky asked, reaching up and gently scratching under Akeno's chin. Akeno quickly reacted, letting her ears flatten against her head as she let out a small chitter of happiness. "I can understand her due to my animal nature, but she doesn't speak with words."

"What's her name?" Minerva questioned.



The Fox and The Cat (Lesbian Story, Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now