Chapter 1

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A criminal.

An animal.

A beast.

Those were just some of the names they called the Master Thief.

Said thief stared down at the town below from the roof of a building, watching as people went about their daily shopping routines. She watched curiously, her black tail swaying behind her in her own excitement.

That one?

Too easy.


Too poor.


Not worth it.

Her white and amber eyes looked down with curiosity at the playthings below her. Could she find a good score today?

The shop keeper looks wealthy, hiding his gold in the strongbox below his stall. He would make a good treat.

She hopped across a few roof tops without making a sound, standing above the stall as the man was in the middle of trading with a customer. Her outfit covered her legs and chest in a thin leather with boots covering her shins with buckles. She had a knife belt swung over her shoulder, and a bow and quiver rested there as well. She had on leather bracers with a steel cover over her forearms to allow her to block weapons should she need to. The hilt of a dagger stuck out on the front and back of both bracers and there were two shortswords at her hips, along with the hilts of two more daggers in each boot.

Yet somehow, when she moved, they made no noise. Like they were all designed to never touch or make any kind of sound.

She hopped off the roof, landing softly on her feet, ducking low behind a barrel. She wore a hood over her head and a mask over her mouth and nose, but it was obvious her ears were moving under the hood, reacting to every sound.

She crept closer, just out of sight of the customer, and low enough where the stall owner couldn't see her. She reached forwards, slipping the tip of a dagger into the lock where she quietly jimmied it open, before taking the large bag of gold out and closing the box before moving back just as quietly.

As she moved back behind the barrel she heard the shopkeeper go to put away the gold from this transaction, only to yell and accuse the man of stealing the rest of it. The master thief chuckled quietly to herself before stuffing the bag of gold into a satchel on her hip and hopping onto the barrel before jumping back onto the roof.

A few people noticed her, pointing and shouting "Master Thief!" as she made her escape. The stall owner shouting curses, realizing exactly who had robbed him as she jogged across the rooftops and towards the edge of the town. Her eyes filled with amusement as she smiled down at the gate with a few people coming in and out of the town. She would wait till nightfall before heading home, just to make sure no one could follow her.

She paused, noticing the large carriage being rode out of the town with four armed guards escorting it, and two more on the carriage itself. One driving the cart, and the other sitting on the end of the waggon, staring at something in a little steel cage. The cage was partially covered by a red blanket, but even from there the cat could see a swish of orange, followed by hearing an angry yip.

An animal? They were moving an animal? Why so many guards for a little creature like that?

She jumped into the tree ahead of her without thinking, following after the cart. She stayed far enough away that they could not see her jumping through the trees above them, and even if they did they would think it to be a small animal.

She landed on the ground a moment, collecting a few stones before leaping back into the trees, this time getting a bit closer. She threw one of her stones at the driver's head, causing him to buckle forward before pulling the reins on the horses, getting them to come to a stop. He then stood up and glared at the other guards.

The Fox and The Cat (Lesbian Story, Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now