Chapter 15

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Mikky sat in her bedroom in the orphanage for most of the day. Thankfully, even with Minerva in the castle, she was allowed to stay in the orphanage which had been mostly turned into a homeless shelter since the children were now living in the castle itself.

No one dared disturb her and they mostly kept off her floor to prevent doing so. She never made any attempt to shut anyone up if they were too loud, but that didn't stop them from wondering how the Master Thief would get back at them for disturbing their peace.

The cat didn't have anything better to do but close her eyes and try and sleep. She didn't bother undressing or taking her gear off. Instead she just curled up on the bed and closed her eyes. She was deep in thought when she felt that subtle pull. That connection.

She sat up glancing around the room, trying to see if there was anything out of the ordinary to make sure she had not stepped into a vision. Everything seemed normal as she glanced around. The connection faded as quickly as it appeared, leaving Mikky to wonder what exactly her visions had connected her to for the moment.

She ran her hands across her face to wipe away her tiredness before she froze.

The bedroom she was sitting in was replaced by a dense autumn forest. The ground was covered in the brown and yellow leaves, and the trees seemed almost endless in every direction. She picked herself off the forest floor, reaching for her daggers which were not there. She looked around in panic before she was nearly blown off her feet by a warm gust of wind.

No... wait...

That wasn't wind.

It was breathing.

Mikky turned her head to come face to teeth with the snarling maw of a massive wolf. The creature was roughly the size of Akeno's form, if a bit bigger. It was also more weighty in that it was likely built for tackles and fights rather than fire and magic. The creature raised its head so it was towering over the cat still baring it's teeth at her. Its fur was a dark grey with tuffs of white around it's neck almost like a fluffy mane.

"Who are you, to dare speak to me?" The wolf snarled, revealing a powerful voice, not unlike that of Akeno herself.

"Uh... I didn't mean to disturb you. I thought I was just having a nap." Mikky confessed, glancing around for any way out of whatever this was.

"You connected without even trying? What is it you're trying to gain?" The wolf asked, its anger replaced by an almost genuine curiosity. She stopped snarling and hid her teeth behind her jowls easing only a small amount of tension as Mikky stared up at the huge creature.

"I'm not trying to gain anything. The only goal I have in mind is bringing Akeno to Krate then going home." Mikky answered.

"Akeno? Juno's Flame? Interesting. My name is Edon, I am the Guardian Spirit of this forest." Edon bowed her head, her ears folding backwards only a moment. "Perhaps there is something you can do for me as well?"

"Look. I'm already indebted to one Goddess. I'm not interested in gaining another's favor." Mikky waved her off.

"I am asking because I have no one else to turn to." Edon confessed. "Someone is using powerful magic, and you are the first to connect to me in nearly a hundred years."

"What? Why? Are you hiding?"

"Hiding? No. As I said, someone is using powerful magic. I am trapped."

"Trapped? Like the other Gods?"

"No. This magic is different. Those seals can only be broken if specific goals are met. This bind on myself is more of a curse that is being maintained by the being who has me trapped. A being who I haven't been fully able to interact with. I know not their true face, or the dangers they pose. But they are imprisoning me. You're the only one whom I've been able to contact. The only one who knows of my disappearance."

The Fox and The Cat (Lesbian Story, Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now