Chapter 4

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The master thief collected her things, filling a travel bag with supplies for her journey. She would need to go into the town of Augerheim to get the rest of it, and she figured the fox wouldn't object. Would the Goddess be okay with her stealing?

She tied the bag to her horse's saddle before adjusting the strap of her bracer, making sure it was secure. She glanced back at the saddle, where Akeno's head was sticking out of one of the saddle bags.

"Are you going to ride in the bag the entire time?"

"It's bad enough that the people here are searching for the Master Thief, but they're also looking for a fox that was stolen from the King. Would it not make more sense to keep myself hidden as well?" Akeno answered.

"You could take on your human form you mentioned." Mikky shrugged, leading her horse away from her small stable before mounting the beast and heading through the woods and towards the road.

"It is far easier to hide when I'm small. Not to mention, I can still send you my voice even when I'm hidden from view."

"I'm the only one who can hear you?"

"As long as I will it so, yes. I am sending my voice only to you." Akeno tucked her head back into the saddlebag, where she likely curled up and made herself comfortable. "You should practice concealing your markings before we reach the city."

"You would teach me how to hide them before I even left my own land? Wouldn't that leave you with nothing else to give me?"

"If you don't want to learn anything else about your powers then certainly, leave me on the side of the road and I'll find my own way home. But I can still teach you how to control those Weaves, or even see them."

"Fair enough. How would I go about starting."

"Imagine them as ribbons, not tattoos. Strings of fabric resting over your skin, and flowing with the wind as it blows across the hair on your arms."

Mikky glanced over at her upper arm, watching curiously. She did her best to imagine the tattoos as silk ribbons resting on her skin. She watched as they began to almost sway, like they were rearranging themselves to create a new picture.

"Instead of trying to form something with those weaves, instead of trying to see a new picture, blow them away."

Mikky took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled across her own skin. Sure enough, the black markings that had been plaguing her for the last several hundred years blew off of her body and into the wind. She watched as the black ribbons simply faded to dust and was carried off by the breeze. When she looked to her other arm, she found that those markings were also gone.

"All this time it was just that stupidly simple?" Mikky asked, dumbfounded at the sight before her.

"Such a monsterous curse, is it not?" Akeno scoffed.

Mikky glared down at the saddle bag in which the infuriating fox spirit was resting. She had to resist the urge to swing her leg over and kick it right off her horse, but she somehow managed.

"Do you think you can get away with being a normal pet fox?" Mikky questioned.

"Likely not. As much as my wound has been healing, it still needs care. Should any of those guards that had been sent to retrieve me see me, they will surely know it's me."

"Can you not change the color of your fur?"


"They're looking for an orange fox, are they not? Why can't you be a black fox, or a white one?"

The Fox and The Cat (Lesbian Story, Rewritten)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ