|Chapter 9|You're Made up of|

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3rd Person POV

Once she had finished the half finished mannequin of the wonderbolts was only missing a head and wings.  She pulled out a frame, kinda like something you would hang medals on.  She placed one of the cutie Mark's 8nside of it; soarins, silver lining and fleetfoots already there. With her all to familiar wide smiles she looked at lightning.

She moved so she was behind the body parts.  She started gently making circles around the place where soarins wings used to be.  Pieces of sharp bone and dried blood stuck out.

"As you can see, only two body parts are missing." She said slowly pausing to see their face. "And there are two of you" she finished walking up next to lightning dust.

She used a hoof to forcefully open the mares wing. She traced the bone and feathers, earning screams and muffled curses.

"Oh yes I almost forgot" she said, ripping the gag from her mouth.

"You crazy bitch!" She spits and it landed on rainbows chest.  She looks down at it and clicks her tongue. "Oh dear what a naughty mouth you have." She says with a chuckle.

She brought her face closer to the mares and pressed her lips with hers.  She forced her tongue into her mouth. Muffle grunts and whines come from the mare as she tries to get away.  She grabs the mare tongue with her teeth and pulls it out of her mouth.

"Don't make me take this out of such a pretty mouth." She said letting her tongue go.  She traced a hoof along her jawline and left one more peck. Lightning looks at her shocked and with a million thoughts happening.

"Too bad I have to kill you, I really do think we could've figured things out" she said putting her front hooves back on the ground and grabbing a small knife.  She brought it back over to the mare and reared up putting a hoof on the wall next to her.

"Like I would ever 'figure things out' with a psychopath" she growls and glares at the mare.

Spitfire starts fussing and wip around again.  Rainbow pushes off and quickly gets close to spitfire holding the knife to her throat.

"One sound while I'm working with her and I won't hesitate to keep you alive for several days slowly dieing." Spitfire glared at the mare but shuts up.

Rainbow puts her attention back on lightning.  She brought the blade up to her jaw and traced it along down to her chin not hard enough to cut.

"Such a pretty mare and so fit" Rainbow says in a low rasp rubbing circles over her left cutie mark with a free hoof.  She brought the knife down to her neck and then over her heart.

"How do you feel about me?" Rainbow said in a low raspy voice almost in a whimper. Her pupils turned into heart shapes and she bites her bottom lip.

"I think you're a crazy psycho who should rot in hell" she growls back.  Rainbows face fell and the hearts shattered.  Her face changed to an angry one and started chuckling.  She pushed the blade into her chest and started etching a heart in her skin.  Lightning cries out in pain and tries to hold back tears.

"Doesn't matter but we'll be together forever" she said putting an R x L inside the heart.  She looked at it and smiled,

"See together forever" she said tracing the shape.  Lightning flinched at the pain and the blade touching her again.  She brought it down to her cutie mark on the left side.

"I'll try to make this as quick as I can baby" she said and pushed the blade into her skin.  She started slowly taking off the mare mark.  She cries out in pain and tears slip from her eyes.

"What happened to you?" she muttered, throwing her head back.  Rainbow used her free hoof to hold her chin so she was looking at her.  Rainbow stops cutting for a moment.

"I woke up" she said and pressed their lips together again.  In one swift motion she cut the rest of the mark of.  Lightning screams are muffled by the kiss.  Blood was running down her and the air sting. Lightning's ears droop and she lets out a shaky sigh. A string of saliva connects their mouths.

Dash doesn't bother waiting to place the mare's mark like she did the others, she quickly places one of lightning marks next to the center one.  She stared at it for a moment with desire in her eyes. She chuckled quietly and slowly turned to look at lightning. She walked up to her and reared up, forcing the mare's wings open.

“All the wonderbolt have fabulous wings but yours…. Yours are the best” she said seductively tracing the bone of one of the wings. Lightning was panicking trying to figure out how to get out of this situation.

"Please don't! Please don't do this!" Lightning screams, rainbow kicked her in the throat.  Lightning lurched forward in pain but no sound came out. Uncontrollable tears and raspy gasps came from the pegasus.

Her chest shutters as she struggles to breathe and stay awake. Rainbow kissed and licked her neck, leaving small bites.

"I'm sorry dusty but I need you to be quiet" she whispered in her neck.  She chuckled and grabbed the clever. She ran the blade up and down the bone of her left wing, not hard enough to cut.

"I'm sorry baby" she said and brought the blade down hard at the base of her wing.  Lightning's eyes went wide and her mouth hung open.  She tried to scream and squirm but she couldn't.  She had been fighting so much that she felt weak, and the blood loss started to rush to her head.

Her eyes drooped as the blade came down again.  The sound of bone and flesh could be heard cracking as the wing falls to the ground. Lightning's eyes started to flutter as she was losing consciousness.

"Just a little longer. Stay awake a little longer"  rainbow whispered in her ear and nibbled on it.  She hacked at the other wing and quiet, raspy sounds left lightning's mouth.  She could barely make a sound as her wing fell to the cloud floor.

Rainbow stepped back looking at the mare.  Her front legs tied up and her head drooping, her ears dropped and her eyes fluttered.

Rainbow gently flapped her wings so that she was at eye level.  She traced lightning's jaw and tipped the dying mares head.  She let out a shaky breath and licked her lips.

"I'm sorry it ended like this…. You were always my Favorite" rainbow said with a tear running down her cheek. She brought their mouths together, it was loving.  Even though lightning despised her rainbow put all her love into the kiss.

A blade was pushed into the bottom of her torso.  She slowly dragged it up and her insides could be seen. Rainbow dragged it up to her neck and slit her throat.  With her dying breaths lightning glares at rainbow, before going limp.

Rainbow took deep breaths as she looked at the mare, their mouths connected with a string of saliva.

Rainbow landed and looked at spitfire from the corner of her eye.  She had a shocked and angry Expression on her face. Rainbow picked up lightning's wings and carefully sewed them to the Frankenstein machine that she had made.

Rainbow let out a shaky breath and sadly ran a hoof over lightning's limp corpse.

"Looks like you're the last one" rainbow said her back turned to spitfire.


One more chapters left! I can't wait. As soon as the story started it is ending.

Words: 1301

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