|Charter 7|All the Ponies say|

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3rd Person POV

Rainbow cackled in her home leaning against the door.  Her laughing slowed before being replaced with uneven breaths as she slowly realized her troubles. 'How in celestias name am I supposed to take care of the rest of them'  she thought for a minute. 

'Maybe I should sto-' she thought 

'NO! they did you wrong and they all deserve to die.  They took you for granted! Your friends even left you!' A little voice responds.

'Butmy friends came back and maybe they got th-'

'No! If they get away with this they will just do it to somepony else.  They though you out as soon as things went bad.' It said.

Rainbow pondered the words her pupils returning to normal and an almost nervous expression on her face.  She bit her lip and closed her eyes swallowing the lump on her throat.

'Rainbow, they call you names! They say your a machine not a pony! You are doing the right thing! Your the good guy'

Rainbows eyes grew then shrunk at the thought. 'Yeah I am the good guy.  I'm taking out the mean ponies so they won't ever hurt anypony again.'

'Yess yess good dashie.'it hissed 

"Now how do I do the next punishment.  The training grounds are shut down.." she trailed off trying to think her eyes traveled from the cloud floor to her kitchen and it landed on a large kitchen knife. "Perfect"


Fleetfoot was busy in her cloud home preparing her lunch.  After the scares of the past few days she was glad to by off.

Flashback 1 day

Yesterday rainbow was acting kinda weird.  She kept eyeballing soarin all day and smiling.  I saw the sadness in fire flares eye as he watched her eyeball the other stallion, poor guy.   None of my business so I'm not getting into it.

I was the first to fly in other that spitfire and we waited forever until rainbow finally appeared.  She had her hooves rapped and I could see some red stains on her coat but I didn't ask, none of my business.

Spitfire asks rainbow about it but I didn't here what she said because I don't care and it's not my business.  Spitfire suddenly asks about soarin and I say something about him being tiered. Spitfire looked sceptical but moved on.

Are commander leads us down the opposite hallway of where silver lining was found dead.  I didn't know her well but it's a shock.

We follow the mare when she open her wings and stops abruptly. "You smell that?" She said sniffing the air.  Now that she mentions it it does stink. She rushed to the locker room kicking open the door.

We follow and peak over and the site is just disgusting.  It was soarins dead body and his head was smashed in. Spitfire freaks out and tells at us to go home and lock our doors.  We all fly off not thinking twice but before I leave I saw a horrible sight.  

Rainbow dashes pupils where the size of pin heads and her smile was wider than what should be possible.  I shake my head and look away, its None of my business.

|Gasoline|Mlp Grimdark|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora