|Chapter 6|Are you Insane Like me|

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3rd Person POV

The five wonderbolts gathered outside once most of the commotion had died down. The police and some other pegasi were still there.

They stood in a circle like normal but it was silent. Eveypony was looking at the ground, shifting and they were all droopy. Spitfire gazed at all of them moving from one member to the next.

"What sick minded pony would do that to such a nice pony.... To any pony!" Soarin finally broke the silence. His head was down and he was staring at the ground as he spoke. He lifted his head up and puffed his chest out in anger.

"Come on! This isn't just some minor injury a Pony died! No! A pony was murdered!" He said, stomping his hoof. All but spitfire and rainbow looked at him in shock.

"Soarin you need to calm down we don't know wh-" spitfire starts "No! She was murdered! It's obvious you don't just leave fine and show up hung to the ceiling!" He shouts, pinning his ears back. Spitfire looked at him with a Blank stare before clearing her throat.

"Alright it is clear we are all a little shocked" she started looking at the group, rainbow had a smirk on her face. Spitfire paused on the blue mare and narrowed her eyes slightly. "And we all need a distraction. This has set us off a little so we will skip right to practice.

Spitfire walked through the circle and took off causing the mains of the others to blow in the wind.

The others followed her and rainbow looked at soarin from the corner of her eye. 'We can't have that attitude now can we? Somepony with that attitude would go looking for clues' rainbow thought.

Everyone was flying slower, especially soarin. "Come on everybody! I expect speed, come on!" Spitfire demands announce laced in her voice.


Rainbow kept a close eye on soarin all day. She watched as he pinned his ears at spitfire and glared at her all day, obviously upset she wasn't more worried.

They landed and everybody had gone and it looked normal. The area was still taped off but silver lining was gone. The team enters through the other hallway avoiding the one where it happened.

The locker room was silent except for the opening and closing of lockers, hoof steps and snorts.

Rainbows locker was next to soarins a few lockers down. Soarins locker was in the corner of the locker room, perfect.

Rainbow watched him from the corner of her eyes as he sat barely changing. She heard the door shut and looked around, only Soarin and Rainbow were left in the locker room alone.

"Spitfire is an idiot" He muttered, not paying attention to rainbow. She walked up behind him and before she did anything he glanced at her; jumping when he saw her about to hit him in the back of the head.

"What in celestia's name are you doing!" He yells moving right as her back legs hit the lockers leaving a dent in the door. She growled and turned towards him.

"Stay still and let me kill you swiftly," Rainbow growls, her muzzled scrunched in a snarl and her pupils pinholes.

"R-rainbow what the hell is wrong with you!" He said pushing the mare off. She fell to the floor and growled jumping up and lunging at him. He swerves and flaps his wings half jumping half flying away.

She slammed into the locker and growled. Soarin landed behind her and headed for the door. Rainbow sped in front of the door blocking his way and locking it.

Blood was running down her head and from her wings. The smell of burning flesh was thick in the air. She unfolded her wings and was in a hunched over position. She started chuckling looking at the other pony.

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