|Chapter 3|A Machine|

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3rd POV

Rainbow Dash Stared at twilight, her mouth hanging open like she wanted to talk but no words would come out. Rainbow looked around at her friend's faces. They were full of joy and excitement. The blue mare head was spinning and she tried to focus on something. She finally looked on her back and focused on the scared nubs that used to be her wings.

"You better have because if this is some kind of sick joke I don't like it" she finally mumbled. Pinkie pie had practically destroyed the place with her bouncing and twirling. Pinkie was now standing in front of her with the classic wide smile. Fluttershy was next to the pink mare with her head down but still gave rainbow a shy smile. Rarity was giving her a sympathetic smile and twilight placed her wing around the mare.

"We would never joke about this sugarcube" applejack said, throwing her a smile. Rainbows eyes glazed over with tears. She tried to hide her face but her wings weren't there and her hooves didn't do much.

"G-guys.... You are the best friends a pony could ask for" she said as a tear fell from her cheek to the cloud floor. When it hit a small swirl of cloud traveled around their hooves.

"Don't cry silly! Let go get your wings back!" Pinkie said way too loud and fluttershy hid herself with her wings.

"Yeah" she said quietly from behind her wings. The others nodded and rainbow wiped her face. She stood up and puffed her chest out like she used to.

"Right then what are we waiting for? Let's go slow pokes!" She said and trotted out the door. She was about to walk on a cloud when apple jack grabbed her tail.

"No wings" she said her words muffled my Rainbows tail.

"Right I forgot," she said, chuckling nervously and rubbing the back of her head. They walked over to the balloon that they used to get up and took off. Thin wispy clouds fluffing at their hoof steps.

"So ah... who is this guy? The one who can um fix my wings?" Rainbow said and rested her head on her hoof. She looked out at the clouds as they passed and signed.

"W-well I haven't exactly researched him but applejack-" twilight started. Aj had stuffed her hat in twilight's mouth and twilight was making muffled wines and grunts.

"What she means to say is his name is Dr. Frankinhoof.." she started shooting twilight a dirty look as she sat next to the blue mare and put a hoof to her shoulder.

"And he said that he can fix you right up hun" she said, flick her tail. Rainbow loomed at Aj with a questioning look but went back to looking out of the basket.

"I don't care what this dude's name is and I don't need fixed! Just.... Um....some help" She said getting defensive.

"Don't worry dashie! We know your perfect how you are and just need a little help." Pinkie beamed getting in rainbows face.

"Wait will you be half robot now?" She asked, sitting back confused.

"Pinkie!" Rarity said disgusted at the party pony. Rarity put herself in between the two ponies and pushed her away with her back hoof.

"Anyway darling, what I'm sure pink was trying to say!" She started kinda grunting each word as she glared at pinkie. "Is that we are all excited for you" she finished sweetly turning back towards rainbow dash.

Rainbow let out a scratchy chuckle and nervously scratched her neck with a hoof. She put a leg up on the side of the balloon basket and laid her head on her leg. "I'm hoping it does" she mumbled but no pony herd or because they were all talking amongst each other.

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