21. The Beginning

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"Missed me?" Eunbi said as she walked into the room you and the boys were locked in.

You didn't answer her. You rolled your eyes and turned your head to face the other direction.

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you Y/N." Eunbi spat as she wrapped her hand on your chin and forced you to look at her.

"What do you want." You spat.

"I just wanted to tell you I wasn't the only one who got you out of there." Eunbi explained as she released her grip from your chin and took a few steps back. "I'm sure your hybrid boys would love to hear this." She added as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" You asked, your voice still sharp.

Eunbi smiled at you and opened the door to reveal someone behind it.

Their scent immediately filled your nose and you looked at them in disbelief.

"C-Chaewon?" You called out.

Your old friend Chaewon walked into the room, a dark smile on her face.

"Hello Y/N, long time no see." She said as she slowly made her way towards you.

"Now this is where the fun begins." Eunbi said as she grabbed a sharp knife off of a counter. "Now your friends can see how your leg got cut from last time." Eunbi added as she chuckled.

Before you could say anything a sharp pain hit your thigh, a familiar feeling that you wish you didn't have to experience for a second time.

You held in your screams and tears before Eunbi moved the knife deeper into your thigh.

"Cmon Y/N, where's the fun in you holding it all in." Eunbi chuckled in your face as she twisted the knife in your thigh.

You let out a piercing scream, not being able to hold in your tears any longer.

Jungkook who couldn't do anything but watch tried to break his way free from the chains that held him against a wall, not far from you.

The more he moved his hands and arms, the tighter the chains around them got.

The boys jumped in fear as you let out another deafening scream.

Jungkook tried moving the cloth that was around his mouth so he could distract the two hybrids that were torturing you for fun.

"Eunbi that's enough now." The scientist from earlier said as he walked into the door. "Im gonna have some fun with them for a while."

Eunbi nodded her head as both her and Chaewon walked out of the large cold room, leaving you and the seven boys of bangtan alone with the scientist.

"So Y/N, where do I even begin." He said.

"Let them go, they have nothing to do with this." You said as you used your strength to hold your head up.

"Now see if I let them go they'll just keep coming back for you, so I can't do that." The scientist smiled.

"What do you want from me." You spat out.

"That's a good question Y/N, what I wanted was power for myself, but since you and your hybrid friends ruined that I'm just gonna ruin your lives." He said as he circled around the room stopping right in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook gave the scientist a deadly glare as he stared at him without breaking eye contact.

"Now how would the alpha here react to his poor luna getting killed right in front of him." The scientist said sinisterly.

Jungkook tried lunging forward but to no avail, the chains only got tighter.

The scientist made his way back to you and smiled. "This may only be the beginning but I sure do have some fun things planned for you three-five-five-six." He chuckled.

Word count: 631

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