You could feel yourself tensing up as you observed him, but you were too tired yourself to be able to do anything.

This was the first time a plane journey was affecting you this much, and you brushed it off thinking that it was happening because you hadn't travelled in a long time.

Everyone was able to get away from the airport quite peacefully with minimal photos taken, and cars were already waiting outside.
The boys got into the first car, and again, Jin managed to get in only with the help of Sejin.

What was happening to him?

You saw Sejin get in with them too, and you just followed the rest of the managers towards another car.

You were supposed to travel with them anyway, and it wasn't long before everyone had got into their designated vehicles and were on their way to the hotel.

You stared lazily out of the car's window, admiring the city and its landmarks.

It wasn't long before the buildings were just a grey blue in the back of your mind, and your thoughts went back to Seokjin's condition. He seemed really exhausted, and you wondered if it was because both of you hadn't been able to heal for quite some time.

"He'll be okay."

You snapped out of your daze upon hearing the voice, turning to look at whoever it belonged to.

It was a lady, one of the managers, to be precise. She seemed to be older than you, probably in her late thirties.

She gave you a soft smile.

[A/N: Yes, I just invented a female manager for Bangtan y'all]

"I know you're worried about Seokjin. But he's got the boys and Mr. Sejin with him. He'll be fine."

You smiled back. "I hope so too"

"I'm Soeun, by the way." She said, holding out a hand.

You took it, giving it a firm shake.

"Y/N. I know. Everyone here knows."

She smiled, fine wrinkles forming near her eyes as they turned into crescents.

Her happy face soon turned into a look of concern, as she placed a hand on your shoulder.

"You look enervated. You should get some rest, you know. I'll wake you up when we reach the hotel."

You nodded, giving her a small smile.

You rested your head by the window again, staring at the buildings floating by.
Soon, they morphed into a blank space filled with nothing but black as your eyes got heavy and you dozed off to sleep.


You finally got hold of your luggage as you stepped into the seemingly expensive hotel along with Soeun and the others, and you spent a good five minutes staring at the minimalist interior of the reception and the lobby.

Soeun chuckled upon seeing you so dumbfounded.

"Try to get used to it. Hotels like these are chosen because the boys and the staff should have all the comfort they can get after working their butts off, you know."

You smiled sheepishly, following her through the lobby towards the elevator.

"The boys must already be in their rooms on the fifth floor, I suppose." She remarked once both of you had gotten into the elevator.

You nodded. "Well, uhm... Where am I supposed to stay?"

"I guess you either share a room with one of the make-up artists, or one of us."

You gulped that the mention of make-up artists, and sharing a room with someone like the ones you encountered back on the plane would be the last thing you'd want to do.

"I haven't had really good experiences with make-up artists, you know." You divulged, scratching the back of your head.

She chuckled "I understand. Some of them really are a handful to deal with.

How about we share a room?"

"That'd be great!" You smiled as the elevator stopped on the third floor, and she walked out first with her luggage.

You struggled a bit with your heavy bags, and the exhaustion wasn't helping.

Ugh. Should've let the housekeeping carry these.

"You okay?" Soeun asked, helping you with the bags.

At this point, you were feeling really grateful to have Soeun around. She seemed to be really sweet and caring.

You nodded. "Yeah. It's just the jetlag, I guess."

She narrowed here eyes. "Are you sure it's the jetlag? How long has it been since you and-"

Her phone rang all of a sudden, interrupting her and the silence of the lobby.

"Ugh, I'm sorry." She apologized, picking up the call.

You watched as she conversed with someone, and the person on the other side seemed to have a lot to say.



Wait- What?!" She almost yelled, startling you.

She cut the call, staring at you.

Your eyebrows creased upon seeing the fear on her face.

"What happened?"

"Seokjin- he-

He collapsed."


Yoohoo ma homies. #GetwellsoonJin UwU

This chapter IS trashy, and I promise I'll edit it someday.

Until then,

Stay at home, Stay safe ❤️

BondedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя