A little help! would be great

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A/N:  Oh gosh, having bits of inspiration for both books can be hard to juggle with.  I keep doing chapter after chapter for that one.

Also there is a fair warning that John is a little odd in this chapter.

Thank you so much for waiting and reading~

"-o-" for The Fab Four, and "-oo-" for the Wizards~



George was taking the kip he long deserved, much to the pleasure of John and Paul who somehow liked playing his parents. Seeing their little angel just nestled along the covers was a sight to adore. It often reminded Paul of how young George really was. Just a raw young mind under those words of wisdom he recited so often—the introspection that he did to reach John and Paul's level.

There was no hierarchy for who the smartest, no no.. none of that. It was just that George's age had them doing this, playing parents for him. He didn't really want parents, having a lovely set already. He wanted to be a Wizard who was on the same footing as they were. The same page in a novel, not separate books separated by threads and coils.

It just happened that no matter what he had done, it never quite reached John, Paul or Ringo. Despite Paul's similarity in age, it never came to him because he often had responsibilities that their teachers Brian and George Martin had. John was the one who reeled the team together, and Ringo would make sure they had what they needed, relax their tempered souls when it was in turmoil.

If John was the body, Paul was the mind, George was the soul and Ringo was their heart. These positions could always be interchanged among the four, but take a look, there was none that was lesser important than another. Each part was necessary to exist, and none could outlive another for more than a minute if lost.

They were not four people, they were one.

The red nosed Wizard was only beginning to come into terms with it after he heard the other George mention it straight up. He saw through the musician's eyes that the youngest felt the rift coming in like a fissure, tearing them apart and being filled with the sharp green of envy. While they were not directly hit by it, it was inherent that it would fill the gap if Paul did not confront it.

The Wizard wondered if it ever occurred to Paul that he almost lost George to the Green Envy with that.

'Wait.. what?'

'You heard?' the Wizard glanced up when he heard the Musician's voice boom in question. It only made sense to be jumping up in panic the minute that horrid thought was made known. He would be flipping out and about if he was told his carelessness could've killed his baby brother.

'What do you mean?! George was going to die!?'

'Not die.. but be ridden with Envy.' He disdained the placidity of his own voice reverberating in his mind's space. The east he could've done was show relief that it wasn't so. George was alive and well—both George that they cared for.

'Yeah, but how long do they have to live when they're ridden with Envy? What if he did something... drastic?'

'Don't be daft, Paul. George would only wait till the ground swallows him.' The Wizard lowered his gaze, long eyelashes almost concealing the grimness of his eyes completely. 'That's what the Envy does.. it's a little easier to handle than the Fury.'

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