In our Yellow Submarine..~

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A/N: Sometimes I type too much, it has to be put into a whole 'nother chapter.

Thank you so much for reading!

Have I managed to confuse you guys? Do let me know, I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about it.

EDIT: just minor changes, nothing big. Spacing, punctuation..

"-o-" for The Beatles, and "-oo-" for the Wizards.



The four ran inside the Mansion that appeared smaller on the outside, but a gigantic labyrinth inside. It was like their minds, odd and full, yet empty and all over the place. Paul snickered, remembering the times George would mutter to the group that 'it's all in the mind'. Life seemed to be a strange labyrinth almost fabricated by their mind.

Well, God's mind in that manner.

It was interesting how it worked. People made sense out of everything that perhaps, no other being was able to do.

"Brian, we're here.." Paul yawned, and John rolled his eyes, snide obvious, 'as if he'd hear you with a tone like that..'

Paul and Ringo burst out laughing when John cleared his throat and shouted "Eppy!" so long and loudly, it was more like 'EPPYYYYYYYYYYYY~! WE'RE HERE!'. George was placid, probably wondering why the hell he was even in this band.

Brian ran out into the hallway like a person running from a housefire, scrambling and searching for the boys in case something had happened to them.

"Are you boys alright?" He screamed out like a father who had just seen his son come from a battle completely wounded and near to death. George blankly answers back that there is something wrong with John calling him like a lunatic, Ringo gave their Manager a sweet little hug, Paul just smiled, waving a greeting.

"Been alright, Epps. Just Paul seems a little worse than before." Although John's words didn't reflect it, he was completely serious about his answer. There was something happening to Paul that he couldn't pinpoint. At first, he thought it was exhaustion because they were going on Interviews, performances, travelling here and there without a single break, and he was not the strongest in terms of immunity. It started to shift as the days went on.

No, he was certainly not getting lazy, it seemed more like he was somewhere, struggling in maintaining something.

He had little to no energy as if he was running around doing errands all day, his mind not giving him the shutdown rest he deserves. It was starting to show on the outside, he was a little out of breath, cheeks going in an odd mix of his natural pale tint, then going red like if he was warm, then a little green when they brought up food.

It had him wondering if Paul really was having an out of his body experience as he asked earlier. The possibilities stood. Just like when their souls divided when they embarked upon Pepperland. He knew there was something strange about that little land that had no place in their actual maps.

"Try not to stress yourself out too much, alright?" Brian patted the boy on his shoulder, and he nodded, grumbling that it was annoying to be the lug of the group. He wanted to be as helpful as he can, but his state was going to prevent that for a bit. It was hard to sit with. "I know it is on short notice, but we've been losing a lot of people through this."

"Mister Epstein, could you be clearer about it?" Paul frowned. "What are we dealing with, and what we can do..."

"As always, you want to know all the details to what you are dealing with, sharp lad." George Martin greeted them with a small smile on his stern features. "People have been calling them the 'Red Furies' and the 'Green Envies' because their power and presence are of those shades."

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