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A/N:  Since days had gone by without an update, this one might be content heavy, like two chapters in one.  Quite a bit goes on, I believe.

Thank you all for waiting and reading~ I was surprised by how well this was going when I saw the rankings.  It's very funny because I could see how it started off so goofy and without proper context, but as it goes on, it became more passionate and ground-setting.  

This is surely the middle of the book, and it might have... 9-10 chapters more before it concludes, depending on how much I do.

EDIT: Wattpad finally lets me change the title..

Anywho, without further ado.. "-o-" for The Beatles, and "-oo-" for the Wizards.



He knew he should tell them soon, he should keep from the flames to obtain fuel and birth more flames. That being said, he had to choose time for letting them know.

As of right now it was late at night, a little before 2 a.m., and Paul was enveloped in John's arms once more. John's long arms returned to him when the boy left George's study—slightly woeful that he couldn't get the young lad out and into his room where he should've been. The curiosity of the other reality kept him awake, eyes wide and glued to the crystal ball with a smile. Paul had John to take care of—George's words, not his.

Then again.. they were right words. Paul loved every second spent with John, just a teeny weeny bit more than the others. He loved Ringo, he loved George, he admired Brian and Martin, was very protective of Martha and Linda after his carelessness with Jane, but there was a love differing when he was with John. When he wasn't around, he craved for something that reminded him of his older wizard lover.

The teddy-bear only substituted for a while.

He never felt so safe without anyone but John. With Ringo and George, he was their protector despite George's specialty in physical attacks, and Ringo's healing wonders. Despite Ringo being older than he and John, Paul tended to see both he and George as his younger brothers—wanting to keep them from as much as danger as possible. Ringo had an innocence that couldn't compare, making him such a loveable and sweet being that claimed George's heart. Honestly, Paul couldn't find anyone better for his baby brother than Ringo.

Then it hit him.

Were these his thoughts? His perspective on the boys, or was it the musician Paul's? Somehow, they were beginning to feel foreign, as if he didn't always see them in such ways. He loved his team, but there was something that was telling him that his viewpoint changed. George was not just an introspective person, he was the one who had the best concentration, he was good at precision, better than John, and personality wise, he was the fun wise-crack with a thousand-yard stare.

Paul cherished him, but he didn't know if he truly did have an opinion about how young or mature he sounded. He was perhaps the most mature, that's probably his body demanded so much food. His brain worked 10 times better than the others, fast as a steam engine, too fast at times that his thoughts and vocals do not match up.

Did he really think Ringo was naïve? Clearly not... sure, he was the one who welcomed Ringo into their little team first, but it was only because the others were too reluctant at first. The boy proved his worth the minute he showed what he was capable of.. he wasn't falling behind because he was new. Ringo was their final piece for their completion of their squad.

Laying on his side—his not injured side, he was tempted to bury his head in the large, fluffy pillow that called for him. He wasn't ready to face his own world, laughable, wasn't he? The more time his soul jumped into the other reality, the more he was losing his own. Reason clouded his eyes, he couldn't keep going back and forth, swaying like a pendulum between worlds.. it was a danger to the musician Paul who was missing half his life because of this happening.

Talk about Magical MysteriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora