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i open my eyes to an unfamiliar room with an unfamiliar body wrapped around me.

oh my god. no. no no no.

i slowly turn my head around to see nick sleeping peacefully with his head rested upon a pillow.

this can't be happening. i remember both of us specifically sleeping at least two feet apart, facing total opposite directions. how could i let this happen?

i carefully remove his arm from my waist and slide out from his leg on top of mine. my body manages to squirm out from beneath him.

i grab my heels and make my way towards the door as silent as possible. i never noticed how tight the skirt really was until my walk makes a semi-loud rubber noise.

i immediately turned my head to nick furrowing his brows together in his sleep. damn i really need to relax

if this would've happened a month ago, i would've been the happiest person alive right now, but all i could think about was shawn.

i walk up to zion's room without waking anybody up. it was easier than i thought considering it was around 8 am and everyone is still asleep.

i open zion's door to find him sleeping half naked with a girl under his arm. fuck. this is gonna be harder than i thought.

i quietly grab my bag in the far corner of the room, but i remembered i left my make up bag in his bathroom right across from his bed.

i quickly got my bag, but as i turned back, zion starts to wake up from his sleep. of course this happens.

i continue to slowly and quietly make my way out, hoping he doesn't see me.

"chris?" he whispers as he rubs his eyes from adjusting to the light.

i suck my lips into my teeth. "damn it," i say underneath my breath.

i look back to zion to see a confused look on his face as he holds onto his girl to try not to wake her.

i adjust my bag on my shoulder, "hey! sorry i woke you, i'm gonna get an uber home."

"no, no let me take you home," he whispers back as he tries to move the girl off of him.

my head automatically shakes, "no! no no, it's fine. i promise. you stay here, you have a lot of guests anyways. um i'll just text you when i'm home."

zion looks as if he's not okay with it, but considering his choices, he knows he's gonna have to stay. he nods his head and waves goodbye.


after showering, i head back down to find my mom cooking in the kitchen again.

"hey mom" i move over to her to kiss her cheek.

"goodmorning baby. anything you want to tell me?" she asks me as she mixes her salad together.

i pull out fruits from the fridge, "umm... is there anything you want me to tell you?"

"now don't act smart with me missy" a smile is on her face as she says that, but she can still do scary things with that smile.

"i went to austin's birthday party at zion's yesterday. i thought i told you about that already?" i take my food to sit across from mom.

"and you didn't come home until an hour ago?"

"mom you don't need to worry. i didn't drink if that's what you're thinking. i just didn't have a ride back home, so i just decided to stay in one of their many rooms," i explain then throw a strawberry into my mouth.

my mom playfully rolls her eyes, "i know it's good for you that you're going out after the accident baby, but i'd like to get a text before you stay the night at someone else's house okay?"

i manage to smile up at her, "yes ma'am. i'll do that next time."

"well i hope there won't even be a next time," she laughs.

"maybe, maybe not," i tease her and she throws a piece of lettuce at me. before i was able to throw a small blueberry at her, the doorbell rang throughout the house.

"you got lucky mom," i point my finger at her as i get up to get the door, "expecting anybody?"

she shakes her head as i open the door wide to see edwin waiting. i let out a small laugh and invite him in, "hey ed, whatcha doing here?"

edwin happily enters, "uh i saw you leave the house early and z told me to check up on you anyways."

i close the door behind him and lead him towards the kitchen, "he did? why?"

"hi mrs. morando," edwin waves at my mom as she eats, "how you doin' today?"

my mom chuckles, "hi sweetie, i'm doing good today. what about you? have you eaten today baby?"

"oh you know my family ma'am, always feeding us whether we like it or not," he winks towards my mom.

"oh please call me eleanor, 'ma'am' makes me sound old," she grabs her salad bowl, "well i'll be in my room, nice to see you edwin."

he gives her a cheeky smile, "you as well. ma'a- sorry. you as well, eleanor."

edwin turns back to me, "so whats up with you?"

i look up the stairs to check if my mom's in her room and once i see her door close, i turn back to edwin, "i slept with nick."

edwin's mouth drops, "i'm sorry WHAT?"

i shush him, "edwin shhh. okay well not exactly slept with him in that way but i woke up in his arms."

he picks his jaw back up into a wide grin, "ayye but i'm proud of you doe."

his hand extends for me to dap him up, but i smack it down, "no ed! this is not a good thing!"

"what? why not?" he frowns at me.

"all i've been thinking about is shawn. i mean technically, isn't this cheating?" my arms cross together and i pull my hair behind me.

edwin lets out a laugh, "cheating? you really- ahAH sorry chris but you think THAT is cheating?"

my eyes roll, "okay maybe not but look at it this way edwin. if you went out on a date with a girl and find her wrapped up in another guy's arms, wouldn't you get hurt? not to mention, it's nick. out of all people."

he looks at me like im crazy, but zones out as if he is taking this into consideration. i throw my arms out in exhaustion, "see! i told you! it's basically cheating!"

"well it's not exactly cheating, you're just worried of hurting his feelings," he explains to me.

"okay you got a point. but im almost 100% certain it would."

edwin leans against the kitchen island, "hey at least you finally slept with your dream guy since what? freshman year?"

i punch the side of his arm playfully, "man shut up. that's not the point."

"you still slept in the same bed chris, same difference," edwin shrugs as he pops in a blueberry into his mouth.

nick and i still slept in the same bed. well fuck. i would be hurt if i were shawn. but what does this mean exactly?

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