9 Nightmare

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"Turn Ivana." Marco drawled. Quickly I turned on my heels.

Zach's lidded eyes didn't moved from my boots to my face. He must be tired. Or he didn't wanted to.

Marco hmmed in command and an armed man tossed a gun in my direction.
I caught it.

What if I back kick Marco, shoot the men and run away with Zach.

Like that could happen.

Marco's is still strong and fast enough to dodge me and flip me down instead and about shooting them, I have no doubt all are in bullet proof jacket. As of running away, I bet there's more security out there to kill me in a shot.

"What are you thinking Ivana?" Marco's cool voice brought me back to reality. He could see my mind wheeling.

What am I thinking! I'm standing in front of the person who taught me to live and I'm thinking of killing him.

For the first time had this vicious thought crossed my mind.

Zach had beautiful tales of far off world I am yet to see. He always said I can. Somewhere I get tired and decide to stay

"What are your orders, Sir." I said what I am trained to say. I stared at the tired man on the floor with torn clothes. His face was bloodied, so were his clothes, his fingers crushed, hairs wet, blood dripping down his forehead is recent.

"Remember Ivana? When I accepted you as one of my own. I made you sign a contract. You're never allowed to leave here." I froze.

At that moment I felt Dead. Maybe I was, from very long, but the reality hit me hard.

"Not that you are going to." He roared a sick laughter.

"You are my property I invested in! You are here! Alive! For me to Use! Understand!!" He roared again.

"Yes sir." I obliged monotonous like I always do.

"If a new comer tries to talk you into running away..He Dies" he sneered.

It is my fault. I got attached with him emotionally even after knowing he's going to die someday and that'll be before me..or maybe in front of me.

I pointed the gun down to ground, my fingers around it like it's very light..no feelings.. just experience.

I didn't clutch the gun to tight either. Like I said no feelings.

"Shoot him Ivana." Marco's voice echoed.

Zach's eyes lifted up and held mine, feelings clogged my mind, unable to understand what his eyes were showing me.

I belonged here. This place was more me than him.

'It doesn't mean you have to die here too. Leave this! Let's run away!'

He breathed out and I caught mine..

'Alright! I created a secret passage out and you can escape. Disguise. Change accounts and Docs. No one will be able to trace you down.'

Pulling the trigger..

'Just follow the instructions I noted down for you. Who knows I'll be able to make it back or not. I'm not an expert like you guys, That's why I know you can make freedom happen.'

.. I launched the bullet.

Who knew I'd be the one killing him one day.

"Ivy! Come Down For lunch! You Hear me?" I heard a faint yell of a lady.

My stomach growled.

Now my droopy eyes fluttered open.

"Ivy!" Again!

"Yes Ma'am!" I shouted back.

Brushing my teeth I went down.

"Woah lady! You're smelling like rotten cheese." Says a chipmunk like lady. As I stare her up and down she awkwardly searches herself too. She clears her throat I divert my prey eyes.

"Salve! Comé stà?" She sang.

I say "Excuse me?" Cleared my ear with my little finger because I half heard her right.

"Oh! I'm sorry. Hi! How are you this morning? I am Siena. Nice to meet you. But is the shower in your room not working?" She babbled not giving me space to answer.

I smell warm food.

"I'm sorry. Who are you again?" I say trying to detect direction of the delicious smell.

"Siena!" She says a little louder this time.

"No. I mean, you live here too? Like in you belong here? Sister, aunt or an employee sort of..you know." I simplified.

"I'm the chef here!" She says straightening and puffing out her already ballooned breasts. I irked inwardly.

"Nice to meet you, Siena." I offered her a lazy smile.

"The lunch is ready, Ivy. Sir had especially ordered not to wake you up until the lunch starts getting cold." Her smile never lessens and it bugs me.

"I should thank him for such generosity. Where is he then?" I try to turn my lips upward in an attempt to smile as wide as her.

My cheeks are hurting. She stepped back. I must be looking scary now. How does she manages to maintain that big curve of a smile for such a long time?

"He is in the living room, dear." She says.

"Ivy." I correct her.

But where to go? So I just stood there.

Understanding flashing in Siena's eyes, she finally led the way. I rolled my eyes, more from hunger. I don't have patience. It comes with food!

"I still think you should take a shower first, dear. You don't look so good. Sir will worry." She says not turning the door knob.

We reached but she is wasting me time.

"I don't want to have a bath And I Am Fine." I moved her aside and gripped the knob but I didn't turn it either.

I could hear their conversation. I halted midstep.

I have the urge to know what's happening inside from here than walking in on them because then, they'll stop.

I just know it.

"I just told her we know everything about her already and she just has to honestly confess it to you truthfully because you like to hear it from her. And she really spilled it all! I didn't think it was that easy to mould her but look how she surprises us!" I heard faint voice of Derrick followed by a roar of laughter.

But I never heard vettorio's voice.

I was fuming.

I needed to kill.

Cause Damage.

I wasn't dumb. I knew 'her' is Me!

Hunger, making me impatient, building up irritation and annoyance.

It all summed up into Anger.

"I'll reheat your meal. Be back in a minute!" Siena was flash out of the gallery in a second. She must've sensed the anger radiating off me.

I bursted open the door.

I had different energy running in my veins. I didn't ate anything but I was healed and that meant I can fight regardless.

I was trained to be hungry for a longer duration and still fight with the same strength as new.

A slight hunger was never a barrier.

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