22 Bold

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"Go, Change and Get down. In the study. In five." He was so stern, ordering me and making clear it's going to be bad this time.

"Okay." I sound dejected to my ears and That's Surprising to me.

Seina popped out from one of the empty rooms on my floor and she sees me too, waving her hand which was occupied with dusting cloth and a stick clinging on her right, vacuum cleaner and other stuff by her feet. She comes over with all that and zeroes in on my wrist and says, "You better clean yourself otherwise all of you is going to smell like rotten blood by the dinner time and that odour will kill other's appetite too. Just please. Do me a favour Bathing this once." She makes a pitiable face and I sigh into nodding. "Thank you, honey." And off she descends the stairs. I'm afraid she'll call him if I don't do as she says so it's better I listen to her. I look down lifting my hand. It was stained with blood, it wasn't bad to my eyes but the clothes were ruined.

I close the door behind me and opt to undress on my way to the shower.

I remember him standing right there by the door when I was getting drenched from the hot shower my first time here. Right now the same memory, I am under the shower, I picture him, his anger today mixed with that, I turn the water to mild warm. The heat was rising from within me. I felt his hands all over me, I shiver, my eyes shut, fingers trail their way down to where I was heating up and did myself just the way he does me.

I work myself, it takes up all my energy to attain the peak. He never takes this much time. My fingers also don't feel like him. Today I feel the difference between his touch and mine. His fingers are longer, calloused, defining knuckles and huge palm.

I came undone and the water raining down on me started feeling cold, but the stress was gone.

Stepping out of my room I make my way downstairs to his study and this time too as I near the door I could hear the conversation inside.

"The hotel has been paid off and those men are also paid as per compensation."

I hear vettorio faint voice but quite get it. He's speaking in a very low voice.

I exhale all the anxiety before crossing the threshold. All eyes land on me. I also notice Another guy sitting on the sofa on the opposite wall to vettorio's table. I think he's one of the army member, Maybe the leader, I don't remember his name though, there were so many.

Derrick clears his throat and I change my direction of sight to him.

"I can smell you." I hear vettorio groan in anger, His eyes bloodshot.

I think he's talking in the similar tone ever since we came back but this time he almost sounds on edge.

"But I just took a bath. And I also don't have any blood on me anymore." I groan inwardly I was tired already from all the activities today. And doing things to myself even when bathing had totally worn me out.

"Not the blood." He growls clarifying, biting with every word. My heart is racing and not in a good way.

"Aiden. Leave." He waves his two finger at him and the guy leaves the sofa and whispers, "Boss is more restless since you came in. Whatever you did, you're Screwed. Hang in there, bud. He Pat's on my shoulder sighing and leaves. I gulp. He has increased the nervousness I was supressing until now.

"I think she has grown protective of you." Derrick says but vettorio's piercing eyes don't leave mine.

Why do I sense a different anger here?

"I'll train her better. Teach her the rules." Derrick tries again. But the man is only ticking the tip of his pen until now, and he's not wavering the silent noise is eating my ears with the pressure of his unclear anger. "I'll punish her." Derrick says finally moving towards me.

The ticking stops. He speaks. "No. She needs to be punished. By Me."

Derrick halts meeting my confused gaze, like he was messaging me to run for my life because he can't safe me after this.

Vettorio does sound like Final decision and No objection.

I swallow the lump in my throat.

"She hasn't done anything severe. They deserved that. She's only needs to control her instincts that's all. Besides you don't have to waste your time in this. I'll do it." Derrick persists going over and leaning on his table.

Vettorio gets up slapping the table. "No! She needs to be disciplined. This is no excuse for her doing things without my permission."

The old man shrinks. "You weren't ready to assist him afterall." He sighs looking at me.

"I am sorry." I utter because the situation was pressuring me to accept my 'mistake'. I look at my feet, hands folded in daze.

Vettorio is suddenly Beside me, then my wrist in his hand and next he is dragging me out the room and we are climbing stairs while he is practically dragging me behind to his room and throws me on his bed.

"You think I wouldn't know?" He takes off his coat, unbuttons his shirt wristcuff, loosens his tie and I'm sweating, not looking away for life.

He rolls up his sleeves and I notice his veins, my hand isn't as hard as his.

"What?" I never hid anything from him.

He hovers over me, capturing me. Leaving me no space to move away. His hands at my side, knees keeping me in place so I only crawl up the bed and so does he.

"You broke two rules today. Attempting murder in a Public place."

"He was attacking you. By rule none of his mates should've spared alive either." I reason. When I was assigned for any case. It was the unspoken rule to also kill whoever saw you killing the target. No witnesses. And the ones planning against us were also counted as potential candidates to be taken down.

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