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I walk out the nurse's office finally Free from the examination and donation crap, with a few vitamin pills, ointments and bandages here n there since faint cuts and scars got noticed so thankfully those fading marks recieved the treatment too, 

Vetto was waiting for me right outside.

He walked over to me, his guards standing behind moved as well. "You look like you should be resting. Watchya say?" He give me a once over, contemplating I need to be bedridden now. 

"It's the hospital air that got me lousy. I can still take down twenty men. bare handed!" 

"Says the girl covered with bandaids from neck to toe." He remarks, I flex my robust biceps. 

"I heard this same sentence from some granny inside" He churns out, his back facing me and head bent low as if that keeps his taunt to flow in backward direction and into my ears.
"Say what!?"

"Right. The report is yet to arrive." He chose to change the topic. like he never heard me or this little light convo here had never taken place. He was so measured, so calculating.

he started to move, the guards that were behind him now parted for him and began after him only when he had surpassed them by a step.

I followed him, at a reluctant pace and take a step back before halting as vetto make a stop at the reception desk for the departure talk,

My ears perk up when Martini's name is mentioned. "... asking to be discharged, the boy is healthy and a lots of rest n lil exercise is all she needs for better recovery. No skipping meds..."
and blah blah blah.. I zoned out.
"...fill out these as well and she's good to go." 
She means bring her with us!?

On the road, my eyes fixated on the path and speed and hers for danger, It went without saying.

"We go home first gather all the men. More the better." Our eyes make brief contact, "Weapons, more the safer. Derrick is visiting our last raided site so he and his crew will be picked up on the way there." He droned on, sounding almost tired.

"Hey, we're Bringing Martini home, let seina know. And Notch up the security." I figure out that was franco on the other end by the time he hangs up after grunts out a few more instructions.

The evening embellish into the night as we sped into the forest.

"The woman might freak out at first seeing she's being brought into a whole new world but she signed up for it.
Idc, I can put her into some carehome but her man's still alive and right in our trap, I won't risk anything." 

Then his eyes had moved to me. I'd felt a punch in the sternum, along with a full blast of ice. He was cold. He was calculating. And he was ruthless. I felt it all at once. I couldn't have explained how I knew, but I felt it. I could taste it.  I couldn't take my eyes from his face. And he knew it—and how I felt that too, I had no idea. "I am aware, sir." He'd known the effect he had on me, and it wasn't normal, but he didn't care. "Good." A wave of embarrassment washed over me, heating my neck and cheeks, and it was only then that I tore my gaze away to the side-view mirror and focusing straight at the backseat of the car that followed us where martini sat. I wasn't sure if I will be comforting her or myself.

The leading car break away from us and entered our parameters from the opposite side, we kept moving straight from the right pathway. Ours pulled over at The driveway that circled in front of the main house, right before the main gate, the former car stopped right in front of us and latter screeched to a halt right behind us in a perfect line.

"Should I be accompanying you or escorting her?" My eyes train on Martini, she was getting off from the backseat, as she was doing so seina held her boy for her. Her focal point was her baby, not even her head moved to check for dangers already surrounding her ...maybe hidden or possible threats she may be walking into, not even a tremble over the knowledge she's taken into some foreign territory. I notice her shoulders only sag with a sigh when her baby is back in her arms. 

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