8 Conviction

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I was given another room on the first floor. A bigger one, with a cozy bed. I wasn't used to coziness so I made myself comfortable on the floor under a thin blanket.

When I first came here, I knocked the walls to ensure my privacy and checked all the drawers and cupboards in case there I find a weapon, camera or Maybe a secret passage.

Vettorio stood at the door, inspecting my each and every movement as I did his. But when I thanked him and wished him good night, he left taking the hint.

I expected Derrick to be here but he was oddly not present.

I shrugged off that thought and rewind my brains to the past.

It's about time when I had been back from my Miami's Mission.
It took 3 weeks to execute the final blow. But we were successful so I ignored the loss of time.

When I reported back to the headquarters,

Our Commander summoned me. After the congratulatory and futher instructions, his last order stuck in my mind.
"Marco, Our President.." He paused. I've only heard victorious stories about him. I wondered why he mentioned him after I'm just back. "..He wants to meet you." He didn't met my eyes. He never does that. But I ignored his indifference.

The current news deafened all other thoughts.

I was ecstatic!

He was The director!

He wanted to personally congratulate me!!

So I went.
Before even cleaning myself or seeing if I'm presentable!

I was just a gone fangirl.

I never saw him. The thought of seeing him in person never crossed my mind. It just happened.

Two guards escorted me, but we changed routes in the middle and instead of going upstairs we went down.

We entered a dungeon. It was an underground basement.

"Bring her here." A deep gruffy voice of an elder echoed from a far cell

This time the previous guards didn't escorted me further, instead a new pair of armed men lead me to him.

I slowed. An uneasy feeling settled in my gut. I feel something similar when things don't go according to plan on my business trips and instincts are the best to be relied on.

The place was dark and the locked cells smelled of rotten blood, piss and odour of something more I couldn't point my finger. Cells are generally like that.

But why bring Me here?

All cells were occupied.

We stopped at a foot distance from an almost white haired old man, taller and lean, a heavy long hooded winter coat hugging his intimidating figure. I could feel the fear rising in me, dispite my innocence. That. Was his power.

"Sir!" I reported in attention with a salute. "Ease." He said, waving down his hand which held a cigar, his back still facing me.

"Nice to have you back. How was your trip?" He asked puffing out smoke. "Successful sir." I say, my head held high.


"Aah!!" I heard a man's weak searing, which likely came from in front of Marco but I couldn't see, his back block my vision.
So that's what he was busy with and couldn't turn.


I heard the man's body fall limp on the ground.

But I kept my eyes focused up on Marco's hair. Which was cut short.

"Congratulations, Dear." He says, finally turning.

His tanned face had a deep scar running down from his head to his neck. His veins Stuck out from his muscular frame. I bet if I hear carefully his breathing must be exerting growlings.

He was Terrifying.

"All thanks to the Training, Sir." Carefully choosing my words, I answer. I heard him "hmm." in approval.

"Ivana, Do you like where you are right now? This Position!" He growled again, pointing his finger down to ground near his foot and my heart rate quickened.

Offcourse I did. I was one of the top assassins. I relished it's privileges. I gulped and just nodded unsure what to say.

He quirked a smirk. Dropped the cigar and crushed it under his shoe.

I thought back what I did wrong.

"Your parents sold ya to me when you were just four or five, my memory kinda blur." He scratched his chin and my heart dropped. My childhood topic is the only thing that can put me through emotional breakdown. And this wasn't the time.

He then laughed.
No one else joined him.
"You were from a mistress and your dad loves money it's source the most." I cringed at his unfunny joke.

Is that the truth?

I never knew he was the person who took me in that day.

Now that he's old, converted to a totally changed man.
How could I have recognised him.
It's like I saw him for the first time.

My throat clogged up. It was a heavy information to swallow.


It's a Hard Truth to swallow!

He kept laughing. But I didn't get the joke. Maybe I am too naive to understand.

I never wanted to know the bitter truth.

Why is he telling me all this now??

I looked up at him In the Eye with a question.


"Darlin, I want to remind you who feeds you. What made you to come this far. You stay loyal to them! You fuckin Repay them!" He was almost spating at my face now.

I didn't blink away.

My shoulders felt heavy.
My heart hurts.

He snaps his fingers and I hear shoes clicking in the background. And then the metal bars of a cell at certain distance being lifted. I heard it all but didn't move nor made sound.

Be Quiet. Stay smart. Stay safe.

If he's locking me up so be it. I don't care anymore..

..Not for the time being at least.

"Say hi to your neighbour, Ivana." My body tensed like never before.

My foot suddenly felt to heavy to move as I turned.

"Zach!" I whispered loud enough for my ears to believe.

My voice died in my throat.

But I displayed no emotion,
Because we'd both be dead then.

But I feared this experienced man must've noticed my suffocation until now.

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