Chapter 13

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Mallory was that phrase embodied. Jason initially saw her as no more than the typical meek girl who always wore the same pathetic pink sweater her grandmother had woven for her. Now, though, watching her pace back and forth erratically, he knew he was wrong. 

"Ugh, I wish I could butcher somebody right now!" she exclaimed. 

Jason raked his hair. "Chill, Mallory."

"Chill? Its been two hours." Mallory pointed to her watch. "And that stupid Uber driver is still not here!"

Jason laughed. He found it humorous when supposedly shy girls lost their cool. 

"It's funny?" Mallory rounded him.

Jason backed away. "Ok, I think you're taking this a little too seriously. How about we go somewhere in the meantime? To chill off or something."

Mallory shrugged, peering far into the night to be on a lookout for their rid. Jason watched her, the way her skin glowed under the street light, the slight sway of her hips as she paced around. The imperceptible flutter of her hair in the wind. Mallory Trent was perfect. Even without the necessary skillsets, she was the exact epitome of what the music industry would want. Beauty, charisma, humility and elegance. Mallory was everything in one package. He could see why Willaim was obsessed with her. 

But then again, William had also been eager to make him a star four years ago, and before it came to his senses that William had no particular interest in him or his skillset, but rather, the profit he would make off him, he was already ensnared in the cage of stardom, gnashing his teeth at life whenever Willaim signed off another deal on him, cursing the day he willingly signed that contract with Willaim. Naivety was his greatest flaw because if he had the slightest bit of intelligence that day, he would've rejected William's offer. Saved himself from captivity. It was too late now. 

It's not too late for her. Jason's eyes met with Mallory's. He'd tell her later. Perhaps he'd even say it as bluntly as he could. Run Mal. Run while you still can. Run from Stardom, run from the Starlight Academy, run from Captivity. Ok, that was rather too blunt. He'd compose what to say later, but for now—

"C'mon Mal, let's go elsewhere."

She blushed, her cheeks burning bright red. Wow. She loved it didn't she? She loved it when he called her Mal. 


"C'mon." Jason reached out for her arm. She hesitated, but not for too long. The moment she slid her arm into the crook of his elbow, a sharp jolt of attraction struck him. He looked into her bright emerald eyes and could not stifle the fire of passion coursing through his veins. Jason sharply pulled himself away from her, reacting on his impulse. He stared at her in shock. Even Diana didn't inspire that sort of reaction from him.

"What's wrong?" Mallory asked. 

"Nothing," he merely said, staring into the void.

She came closer again.  He took a step back. Disappointment cast itself on her features. Jason hoped he didn't send across the wrong message. If she only knew...

"Where are we going?" Mallory asked, hurt still beaming on her face. He longed to reach out to her and coax her, perhaps wipe away that look that made him feel like a murderer. But he knew better than to come an inch near her.

Mallory's eyes darted around before they halted on a tall building looming over them. "Right there—" 

Ah, of course. The female's haven...


The mall.

At times it took him off guard as a totally straight male how fond he was of the mall. He wasn't especially a fan of prancing around the clothing rack and cherry-picking on items as people did. But he definitely loved how bustling and cordial the atmosphere in the mall always was, how it was always full of exuberant, tittuping people who took full of advantage of their free will, selecting whatever items they desired. 

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