Chapter 45

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Ava Harrison's Jane bible.

Dedicated to all those who think Jane was an innocent victim...


Jane was probably the most psychopathic child I ever raised. Born out of wedlock, she was abandoned under a bridge. I was kind enough to take her into my orphanage, but damn my kindness. This child was a devil, and I mean that in every sense of the word.

Jane was famously known for having that 'charm' to get random strangers to buy her meals on the road. Her tactic was later found out. She would run out of the orphanage at midnight, wearing rags for dresses, and would lie down on the road, feigning unconsciousness. Every now and then, a nice driver would find her laying there and would take her to the hospital, thinking she was in need of immediate medical attention. He/she would then give her something like a little loaf of bread to eat, or sweets, and sometimes, a whole damn buffet. The next day, she would return to the orphanage with an abundance of food and snacks and flaunt it about. Quite evidently, Jane manifested manipulative tendencies since she was just a child, and it only grew with age.

Jane manipulated the other kids in the orphanage on several occasions. In order to make them do what she wanted, she would steal their toys, not giving them back until they satisfied her wishes. She was an amorous little rat who always missed curfew and insulted her elder ones. Once, she locked her caregiver inside a closet for days.

Honestly, I initially didn't think Jane, a child capable of doing all these things, for there was an angel-like innocence about her face. But do not be deceived. She has a proclivity for evil, but I supposed this proclivity would dampen with age. I supposed...

Mrs Thunderberg

- Late owner of The Redeemed Orphanage


Nobody believes me when I say Jane killed my brother. She's not your typical murderer. She doesn't have knives hidden in unsuspecting places or a scowl for a face. But deep down, somewhere beneath all that beauty, is an ugly monster. Jane dated my brother for four years in college, and it was always what I would call a toxic relationship. They argued and argued more than should be normal in a relationship, and I always sensed most of this toxicity was coming from Jane's end. She always had this aura of trouble, of non-compromise, a tendency for mendacity.

The day my brother found out she was cheating on him with the mayor's son was the day he died. I saw her push him off the stairs. I fucking saw her do it, but no one believes me. Sometimes I wished my memory functioned like some form of tape, then you would have seen it. You would have seen Jane's cruelty. You would have seen how she took my brother's life without hesitation. But she covered it really well. The girl has a shitload of connections.

I plead one case.


-Lucy MacDonald.


Jane used to still my choclates when she babysitted me. Mummy thinks I'm an idiot for thinken so.

- Six year old James


I have nothing to say, apart from... may that little heartbreaking, ass-kicking bitch rot in hell. She made me believe she loved her, and just like that, she ditched me for some rich-ass white boy they call Cole. Damn her. Damn him. Damn everybody!

- Anonymous.


Jane is a bloody MONSTER

- Anonymous


Say Jane one time again, and I swear I'll jump over a 7 story. Don't laugh. I mean it.

- Anonymous


January 21st 2001

Dear diary,

I have loved Jane since College. She was that gold every guy wanted, that special thing you could only go as near as dreaming of. And so the day I married her, you could've imagined my joy.

But marriage revealed her true character. I discovered that Jane was a manipulative, gold-digging, deceitful woman. I discovered that she in fact loved my money more than she loved me, and despite all those discoveries, it's still a mystery why I still love her. They say love is antipathies with logic. I believe them, because no matter how much I try to make myself divorce this woman who has so many flaws, I just can't, and maybe, just maybe, that might be the death of me.

- From Lewis Anderson's Diary

Died in 2001

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