Chapter 38-Escape

Start from the beginning

A frown etched on his face. Something wasn't right about these injuries. As someone who wasn't truly a demon nor a human, only Wei Xing would be able to inflict these kinds of injuries that left a faint demon aura behind.

The commotion behind him drew nearer, letting him know that he could no longer linger around. He struggled to leave behind the bodies of these disciples. His hands curled tightly into fists, anger boiling dangerously within him.

"I promise the both of you, I'll find whoever did this," he vowed. With that said, he took off into the night without looking back.

An assembly was brought together within the large hall of Tian Ling Sect. All the elders sat in their assigned seats while every senior disciple stood in multiple rows leading out of the hall. They waited patiently until Sect Leader Lin arrived. The moment he made it to his seat, everyone greeted him in unison.

For someone like Sect Leader Lin who had cultivated since he was a child, he still looked relatively young. Since the day Wei Xing left the sect, he seemed to have aged rapidly. Wrinkles could be seen on his handsome face and his hair was streaked with grey. He sighed heavily, showing his worries. With a raise of his hands, he ushered everyone to relax.

"You all know why we have assembled here today. Weeks ago, we brought in a woman who was connected to the demons in for questioning. Last night, a disciple from Qing Qiu Sect, who was watching over the woman was killed along with the guards who had been keeping watch outside. Even the guards patrolling the entrance were killed. The woman was taken away by I can only assume at the demon who had done this," Sect Leader Lin explained. The moment he finished, Hai Kuang who sat a few chairs away from him, shot up to his feet.

"This is ridiculous. You and everyone here know exactly who did this! Did you not sense the demonic aura seeping out from the deceased? Only one demon is able to do that! It's Wei Xing! Who else would be brazen enough to come in here and take that woman away knowing that it would be heavily guarded?"

Everyone in the hall knew how much Hai Kuang despised Wei Xing. Not only did Wei Xing kill the late Sect Leader Qiu, but he also took away Bai Qing, who Hai Kuang was in love with. A disciple who had once studied under Wei Xing grew angry at the insult. Wei Xing wasn't an elder in the sect anymore but he hasn't once caused any harm to Tian Ling Sect.

"It wasn't Elder Wei! Elder Wei would never hurt anyone from Tian Ling Sect! It's been over eight years and not once did he attack us! For what reason would he do this? It's absurd!" the disciple cried.

The two guards behind Hai Kuang glowered at the disciple. They stepped forward almost immediately with their hand on the hilt of their sword, ready to attack at any moment. Hai Kuang sneered at the naïve disciple. He didn't think there would be anyone left who was still so loyal to Wei Xing.

"The proof is in the dead bodies. How do you explain the demonic aura seeping out of them? I've fought with Wei Xing for eight years. I know that he is the only demon who is able to leave behind a trace of demonic aura when he injures someone. No one detected a single thing until they found the dead bodies. Wei Xing was once an elder here. Of course, it would be easy for him to sneak in here undetected."

There was no way to refute Hai Kuang's words. The more he spoke, the more doubt filled the hall. Sect Leader Lin grew worried. He knew that evidence was pointed towards this favorite disciple of his. He had hoped that one day Wei Xing would return to the sect hence he didn't deactivate Wei Xing's token. Could it be possible that Wei Xing really did sneak into the sect, killing disciples of Tian Ling Sect in order to take away that woman?

He knew Wei Xing well. Even after all these years, Wei Xing hadn't done anything to cause harm to Tian Ling Sect. Wei Xing wasn't that kind of person. He also knew that all these years, Wei Xing had spent his all trying to find a way to bring back the woman he loved. When he thought this, he suddenly remembered the strangely dressed woman who had been held captive here. He had found her extremely familiar. He knew that he had never seen this woman before but something about her screamed out as someone he had met before... as if she was someone that he had wronged unintentionally.

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