Your gone but never forgotten prt 1!

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Ari couldn't sleep, like what was she thinking. She'd have to turn off her head and brain and thoughts to get sleep, she couldn't deal with this no more.

Ari was officially done, done hiding, done faking to be happy, she was so over the fact that no matter what help she gets, she'll forever be broken, and nobody can truly fix her.

As the thoughts continued
' leave ' ' your not good enough '.' burden ' ' mistake ' It was all and truly all she could hear and in the end she had, had enough of it.

Quickly yet quietly, Ari flew from her bed, to her wardrobe and grabbed her bag, before thinking about what to bring.

She packed her clothes, shirts, singlets, jumpers, long sleeves, jeans, trackies, under clothes. She wiped away the falling tears from her eyes as she continued to pack.

This that, what was she doing? She didn't know, but she didn't feel anything nor care at that moment so, she continues. After everything Ari thinks she'll need for the time being is packed, she takes the frame from her dresser, it was a picture of her and her mum from when she were younger.

Ari took the picture out of the frame, and gently yet neatly folded and put it in her bag, before going to her desk and getting a pad and paper and writing ' the note ' to her mother.

Dear Mum.
If you are reading this, it means you've came to check on me due to not getting no answer for when you call out my name,

I'm sorry for the fear and absent you'll be feeling, I know it'll be my fault, there's so much you need to know but little time to tell.

Dear has stuck me and now I have to finish what has begun, you most likely never see me again, and it kills me to say that, I love you with all my heart mother, I'll miss you forever

You and I forever mum!
Sincerely Ari-Ella
your beloved
Daughter xx

As Ari neatly folded the note and got up from the desk, leaving the note one the desk, Ari goes over to her bed and starts to remake it as neatly as she could, before then picking up the note, and her bag along the way.

She places the not in the centre of her bed, before walking to the door, taking one last glance around her room, Ari exits the room that once belong to her quietly closing the door behind her.

Then making her way to her mother's room, the door was open a bit, so Ari peaked in and saw her mother, small pieces of the remains of Ari's heart broke, seeing what she'll be leaving behind, but it's for the good.

Ari, left her mother's room, and as quietly as she could went to the front door, refusing to take another look back on what she'll be leaving behind.

Ari opened the door with the spare key that she had been giving by her mother, and exiting like she never existed, leaving the key under the door mat Ari began her walk out of Charming, and out of her mother's life!


Tara's pov:

Tara woke by the annoying constant beeping of the alarm clock she thought would help her, she regrets buying the clock but what will she do with out it now.

Tara got out of bed, knowing with it only being 7:30 Ari wouldn't be awake so she decided she'll get ready for the morning which meant shower first.

Tara got in and out of the shower in what she thought was about 5 to 10 minutes but actually was an hour, not noticing the time yet, Tara decided on making breakfast nothing fancy just some cereal and milk, she always knew that it was Ari's favourite.

But unknown to Tara, she was the only one in the house

Tara had decided to let Ari sleep in til 8:30 or what Tara thought would be, whilst doing so she had begun to clean the already clean house and putting down a shopping list to do later, as time went by yet again, Tara looked at the clock noticing just then the time!

"ARI" Tara yelled, no response but that's to be expected right? "Ari" Tara said as she went down the hallway that lead to the rooms, again Tara said Ari's name before coming to a stop at the door that lead to the room that was once occupied by a broken girl.

Tara begun knocking on the door, and getting no response, as Tara was so eager to barge through she didn't, but yet divided to continue to knock, after 20 or so minutes with no response from Ari, Tara's panic and fear she set aside moments earlier have completely a rised, Tara opened the door to find.....

The room well and truly empty, with no daughter of hers occupying it, Tara slowly walked in, til she got to the centre of the abandoned room, spinning in a slow motion as she looked around.

Tara had missed the note on the bed, a few times until she started to cry and sat on the bed sitting note, which had made a sound that made Tara jump, as Tara lifted up the piece of paper, she had begun to slowly read it

Tears, pain, fear, is all Tara could feel at the moment, her daughter her only baby had left, gone forever or so she had thought.

Tara could no longer handled it after trying to call Ari, on to find the phone that once belonged to her daughter under the pillow the she had sworn Ari's head was resting on before she went to bed, Tara thought hard and the only thing she could think of was to call Jax, so that's what she had done.

Minutes went by after the timid phone call with Jax, and before she knew it he was barging threw her front door with the entire club.

Not knowing what to do about the missing girl, the club didn't have a clue, all they could do was see if she comes up anywhere on security cameras, or something.

Time went by for them all, silently sitting in the living room that belong to the broken mother, what had Tara done to deserve suck pain? At first being abused by Joshua, then falling pregnant, then giving up that child for a while, before it turns to getting a phone call every mother would never want to hear, then finding out that the call was fake, then Joshua's death, then going to Ireland to bring back her daughter, who in the end has disappeared again.

What will she do, what will Tara do?????

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