Returning and secrets

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Ari-Ella's Pov

I woke around 6:45 this morning another school day, I slowly get out of bed and make my way towards my wardrobe, opening the doors I get my leggings and a singlet plus my joggers then get ready for my run I tie my hair in a high pony tail, I get my pocket knife and put it in my shoe than I get my I pod and headphones and head down stairs where Aunt Cassandra is.

"Hey Aunt Cas your up early again" I say whilst taking a seat next to her at the island.

"Yeah well gotta go to work early today baby girl, so if you don't mind do you think you can walk or run to school?".

"Yeah I would absolutely love to walk myself today" okay so there was a bit of sarcasm my aunt never lets me walk to school by myself, because of the dangers and my mother would kill her if she didn't keep me safe.

"Okay baby girl I'll see you when I get home. I really gotta get going before my boss fires my ass, love you kid keep safe and enjoy your day" she rambles when she is super nervous or I always get the morning lecture to stay safe or my mum would kill her, for the hundredth time.

"Yeah I will aunty get to work. I got my pocket knife and those self defence classes you put me in 10 years ago, so we are all good I'll see you when you get home , I love you and stay safe aunty I need my chief when you get back" I turn around so she couldn't see the evil smirk on my face, which my aunty says comes from my sperm donar. my smile is genuinely my mums.

After my aunty left the house, by saying bye then got into her car and left for work, I walked outside my knife is in my shoe and my phone, well I don't have a phone, I never really found any interests of having a phone. I stretch my arms and legs then start jogging down the road.

6 blocks into my job I start to notice a van following me, I thought to myself what the hell is that guy doing?, But I refused to make myself paranoid. I got to the end of the street and started to cross at that point I wasn't even focusing on crossing the road carefully, I was focusing on the person in the driver's seat of the van that was speeding in my direction.

I forgot what I was doing, the minute I realised that the van was heading in my direction, yet it wasn't coming slow the second I had time to react it was already too late, I was already flying down the road in pain, after hitting the gravel from the road I felt blood coming from my lower abdomen and I was in shock, pain, I don't know what to do. I can't move, I'm scared, what the hell do I do?.

"HELP ME" I cried out in pain their was only one guy there, and that was the guy In the van I didn't recognise him he got out of the van and ran towards me saying "oh god, it's okay, it's okay, I'm going to get help" the strange guy pulled out his phone and called for an ambulance by time the guy got off the phone, a group of Harley's showed up. But everything then went black and I don't know what happened after that.

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