
"I don't have to explain to you. Just know that Gabriella is having a hard time lately and she needs a distraction and that's why I called you."

Idiot you explained.

I had an option to call Andrea or Scar but those two are wild, they might take her to some crazy party as an excuse for fun. Thank you girls but I don't want my angel drunk the next time I see her.

"You want her to visit?"

"What else do you think I'm talking about?" I groaned in annoyance.

"Sorry umm, is it only her that's coming? Are you coming?" She asked with hesitation.

"No." I lied. "Look, do you agree or not?"

"I agree."

"Great, you'll see her at one."

I cut the call before she had time to say something to me that I didn't want to hear.



"I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope she gets over this very soon." Anna gave me a sympathetic look.

"Me too." I sighed.

"And you also had the same case today you say?" Mr. Lombardi inquired.

"Yeah. It was really terrifying. Mine was that I was jumping from one nightmare to another."

I had only ten minutes of sleep before I woke up and Dré told me we were going to his parents' home. The weird thing is that if we were going, why did he look so pissed off about it when he wanted us to go? It was as though someone forced him to go there. His facial expression were of that of the last time we went.

I told Anna and Andrew about my mom. Yeah, we were getting closer and they were actually treating me like their familia. This all started from last time. André's Grandparents — Alakai and Ayesha Lombardi were also present.

"That's strange." Andrew said.

"Yeah and scary." I added.

After lunch we were in the living room have random conversations that kept my mind off the nightmares. And for we I meant André's parents, André's grandparents, Andrea and myself. As for André, well, he just sat there and ignored us. When we tried to bring him in, he would only answer in abrupt words then focus back on his phone. Amelia and Audrey on the other hand were playing with Italy like usual. They really loved Diamond Italy. Especially Amy.

As we were laughing to a joke Andrea shared, my ears caught a song I haven't heard in years that brought feelings of nostalgia and a severe headache to me. It wasn't a song per say, it was a nursery rhyme, a lullaby that causes a great sleep to me immediately, whether I was sleepy or not. Sometimes I wondered if it was a magical lullaby.

"Amelia, bring that down. Adults are talking." Anna scolded Amelia.

I turned back and looked at her. She was holding her iPad and the volume was very high. I looked closely and saw a black skinned baby that was wearing only blue underwear and the background was colored blue.

"I-I.." I said as the song intro still played.

"Brie was wrong?" André finally looked at me.

"I know that song." I said.

"Ohh, Gaby everyone knows it." It's the Cuppycake song." Andrea said with a smile.

"Yeah I know it's just. My d—"

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