More Tutoring

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(Tine pov)
I was busy washing the dishes when a knock came from my door.I washed the soap off from my hands and went to go open it. "Ready for the next lesson nuisance?",Sarawat said coming in.I nodded and went to go get my books.He sat down on the couch. "So what subject are we learning?",I asked looking at him. "Well I wanted to do one which your really bad at because I don't want you failing",He said.I thought for a while. "Oh how about chemistry.",I said and he nodded and opened one of my books.He read it for a long time I quickly became bored so I leaned back on the couch.Sarawat hit me with the book. "Stop being lazy nuisance!",He yelled at me making me sit up with a grunt. "Okay so write this down.",He said handing me a sheet of paper. "Write down the periodic elements for Copper and Tellurium.",He said. "On the paper I wrote down the letters CU and TE in boxes with the words Copper and Tellurium underneath. "Good do you understand?",He asked.I nodded in response. "Yep copper and tellurium are CU and TE in the periodic table.",I said grinning. "Ugh lets write down another one.",He said and I nodded waiting for him to speak. "Okay write down the periodic elements for Iodine,librium,vanadium,and uranium.",He said.I rubbed my neck. "Is there a problem?",He asked. "Why are you making me do a lot this time!",I asked stressing. "Because I'm your tutor!",He yelled back.I sighed in defeat.I didn't feel like arguing with him.I wrote down the letters I for iodine, LU librium, V for vanadium,and U for uranium. "Okay finished.",I said. "Good now I hope you learned more.",He said getting up. "Yah why are your lessons so short?",I asked. "Because your not paying me nuisance",He said ruffling my hair.I backed away with an angry expression and he left.

"Why is he such a flirt",I whispered looking at the paper.I put my things away and tried to study by myself.I turned on my laptop and went to google and started looking up some study materials. "Ugh the only person that explains to me well is Sarawat!",I said putting my head down on my desk.I read the words on my paper one more time and blushed slamming my head into the desk. "Ugh Sarawat what are you doing to me!",I yelled.

(Sarawat pov)
I never left.I just stood outside of his door.I was a little mad he was stupid enough to not get it I literally told him to write down the elements CuTe and I LuV U.I then heard yelling from the door. "Ugh the only person that explains to me well is Sarawat!",I heard Tine yell.I blushed at his words.Then I heard him yell, "Ugh Sarawat what are you doing to me!"I blushed a darker shade of pink.I knocked on his door.He opened it and stared at me. "I thought you left?!",He said surprised. "I just stood outside I didn't want to leave yet..",I said. "I- did you uhm hear what I said?",He asked. "No not at all",I lied.He sighed in relief. "Welp are you willing to tutor me more?",He asked in excitement.I nodded at his cuteness. "Okay perfect!",He said dragging me inside.

What did he mean by "Sarawat what are you doing to me?"I thought as he took out his stuff once again. "Okay do what now?",He asked. "Actually I wanted to test you to learn your weaknesses",I said. "Okay here you can write some questions down.",He said handing me paper.I wrote some questions down and gave him the paper.He wrote some things down. "Here I'm finished.",He said quietly. "Whats wrong?",I asked receiving the paper. "Well Uhm are you trying to test me or test my love?",He said.I widened my eyes.So he did realize.I smiled and looked at the paper. "You did good you only missed 3 questions.",I said proudly.He smiled widely.

I patted his head. "Good job Tine!",I said to him.He looked at me confused. "What is it?",I asked. "You didn't call me nuisance this time",He said.I avoided his eyes. "Well yeah uh bye I got to go!",I said leaving.

(Tine pov)
I can't believe I asked if he wanted to test me or my love.He just smiled what did that mean?But yay I'm happy i passed the test that means my grades are improving.When Sarawat got up to leave he said Tine not nuisance.Did that mean I don't annoy him anymore?Whatever.I just went to sleep.The next day Sarawat came to pick me up for school.We walked to my class. "I don't understand why you keep walking me to school Min doesn't bother me anymore.",I said to Sarawat. "Yeah but what about other people?",He said. "Eh I guess.",I said back.We were walking on the street and I wasn't watching where I was going.I suddenly felt an arm pull me close to their body. "Sarawat why did you-",I was cut off by a car rushing past us. "You should be careful nuisance",He said letting go. "Sorry",I said back.

When we got to the university i waved him off.Third was approaching me. "You two are getting along",Third said.I ignored his comment. "Wheres Pharm?",I asked him looking around Third. "With Dean.",Third said. "Oh okay",I sad back. "So I was wondering",He said. "Ugh what now?",I asked. "Well Pleae enter the music club with me please Tine!",He said to me.I rolled my eyes. "Why music club aren't you interested in film?",I asked him. "Well-",He said. "It's cause of Khai isn't it?",I said smirking. "What no how did you-",He said back. "Don't worry it's obvious",I said. "Quit interrupting me! Yes its cause of Khai but its only because he suggested I join music club since I can't find one and I don't wanna be lonely",He said. "You won't be lonely you have Khai",I told him. "Thats what makes it worse and plus Sarawat is in that club",He said making me cross my arms. "So I don't care if he is or not I'm not going under any circumstances",I said. "I'll do your homework for a month",Third said making me look at him. "Fine when do we start",I said.

"What instrument should I play anyway?",I asked Third as we walked to the music club. "Well are you interested in any instrument?",He asked.I shook my head. "Well maybe you should try guitar",He told me.I thought for a moment. "Okay sure why not?",I said. "What instrument are you playing?",I asked him. "Maybe piano",Third replied. Once we got to the music club Third knocked. "Come in!",A voice said. "Sawasdee",Me and third both said bowing our heads. "Sawasdee are you interested in music?",The guy said. "Yep",We both said. "Okay do you have any experience?",The guy asked. "Nope",We both said at the same time again. "Okay stop doing that its really creepy",He said. "So what instrument are you looking forward to playing?",The guy asked me. "Maybe guitar",I said. "Okay what about you?",He asked Third. "Piano",Third said.

"Okay whats your names?",The guy asked. "My name is Third and this is Tine",Third said. "Alright Tine walk into that room over there and Third walk into that room",The guy said pointing towards to opposite rooms. We both nodded and went our separate ways. I opened the door that said 'guitar' and went inside.When I went in I saw Sarawat and sone other people.Shit I forgot Sarawat was in the music club.I sat down next to some people.I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Why are you here?",Sarawat asked. "My friend made me come",I groaned and turned back around.Sarawat tapped my shoulder once more. "What is it?",I said annoyed. "Do you even no how to play guitar?",He asked.I shook my head in response. "Then I'm gonna have to tutor you extra",He said.Great now he's gonna give me guitar lessons.

By the way Tine used to be in the music club and played the guitar but he then quit so :/

A/n:Stay healthy everyone! Love you guys.and if you have any suggestions please feel free to comment them♥️

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